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The first thing that came to thought was to sneak in, which was why I saw myself currently driving my car towards my window, which thankfully was located at the backyard, far out of sight from where my mom happened to be.

The plan was to climb on the roof of my car and then proceed to use it as leverage to get into my room through the window. I had seen this kind of skills in the movies.

I mean, how hard could it be?

I put my car on pack and exited it. I tossed my backpack on my back sliding it through my arms, rolled up my jeans and made sure my shoe lace was properly tied. I then proceeded to hoist myself up on the hood of the car, therefore making it easier to get to the roof.

It was surprisingly easy and not as hard as movies made it out to be.

I climbed the roof with no trouble and with little strength, I pushed through in order to get to the window. I did just that successfully and suffice to say, I was elated.

I held on to the window and pushed with as much force as my pale arms could muster. It didn't budge. I tried again. Still no result. I tried three times after that and finally decided to admit to myself that my room window was locked from the inside.

I know my actions probably seem dramatic, me wanting to sneak in and all but my mom was like a spy when it came to finding out if I made use of the packet or not. It was almost like she could smell it or something.

Unraveling Aria ThompsonWhere stories live. Discover now