Chapter 12

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Just a heads up there are emojis on this I really don't like a lot but its just so you guys could like know the list like food (🍤)thats the emoji for this chapter emojis. Drinks (☕)and desserts(🍰) too and I want to make it a list so I need little things like this (✳). I hope that don't stop you from reading its just this chapter i wont have a lot of emojis. Love you guys now enough of me talking here is the story don't forget to (vote and comment also share too.) o and there will be a lot of pov changes guys I'm sorry but that's how it is right now babies.


I'm sleep then I hear laughing and yelling.

"Onde está meu bebê exclusivo?(where is my baby unique?)" I hear someone ask it sound just like my uncle Brian. I run down and I look and see all my family there and they came in a limos tears start falling. I missed them so much. We all learned how to speak English when we was in brazil we all wanted to learn a different language.

"How? why? what are you guys doing here?" I asked looking around. My mom and dad smiling

"Baby they say that nice boy javon flew them out first class and they got a limo and we having a party out back." She said grabbing me taking me out back.

I go out and I see the flowers on these tables with blue table clothes. I see little candling holding lanters that's our Brazilian flag and I see a table full of the following food,drinks, and dessert:


✳ Caruru- okra,onions, dried sshrimp toasted nuts, and ect.

✳Cheese buns

✳Vatapa- spicy delicious mixture of bread,shrimp,red ppepper finger peanuts,coconut milk, and onions.

✳Tacaca- a popular soup made from jambura a type of Brazilian herb,dried shrimp, yellow peppers, and tucupir.



Coffee(there national beverage)

✳Cachaca-liquor with sugar cane


✳Coconut water

✳Juaguar milk


Lava cake-chocolate cake with dark chocolate dripping from the top adding cream and coconut shredding.

✳Brazilian coffee cookies

✳Pudim Brazilian- chew round cake with a sweet mouth watering topping.

I could feel my mouth watering this all looks so good everyone outside playing while I get dressed like we would in brazil shorts, sandals, and a bikini top. I walk out we dancing and it's feeling like home and I look at javon house and I smile. I run to the front door and knock and this little girl answer it.

"Hello little one are your parents home?" she smile and grab my hand and just pull me in. I giggle and she jump up and down yelling for her parents. Then her brothers and parents run down.

"Mommy can we go over her house they Having a party," she said excitedly.

"Yes please if you don't mind we would love for you guys to come over."

They smile and they all come over but I grab javon arm and hold him back for a minute.

"I know what you did." I said looking at him right in his eyes.

"Listen I know you may h-" I cut him off by kissing him on his cheek.

"It was sweet and thank you so much javon." I said while hugging him then I run off and invite the other neighbors and drag javon to the back and we eat and party.

-hours into the party 9pm-


One of unique cousins pulled me to the side of the house and she looked at me.

"Hello I'm unique cousin Maria. I wanted to talk to you. You javon right?" she said stepping closer to me.

"Yes that's me."

"O so you the nigga who rapped my cousin yeah nigga she tell me everything you Você sujo pedaço desagradável de enxada de merda. Odeio-te por ela fazer como aquele w-(You nasty filthy peice of shit hoe. I hate you for doing her like that w-)" I cut her off by telling her to hush.

"Listen I know I did wrong but I want to be with her I just need a plan I just want her to give me a chance." Her anger change to happiness and she hug me and squeal.

"Now that's a real man making up for your mistakes well look maybe I could help. Her is what you do."

She whisper it in my ear and a smirk appear on my face this plan better work. I peak around the house as she walk off and unique talking to one of my friends. My phone start vibrating and It's Tina. I roll my eyes and press answer and put it towards my ear.

-phone convo-

"Hello?"she said.

"Tina I told you it's over why do you still call me?" I asked listening to her breathing on the other end.

" look I called to tell you that it's ok. Go get her I don't care I'm with Kevin now. I was cheating on you with him anyway." She said and waited for my reply like if she wanted me to get jelouse and go off she got the wrong guy I'm glad her and Kevin together. They deserve each other crazy ass niggas.

"Ok well I hope you guys have a great life." I said while hanging up the phone.

"Wait! we moving too so I also wanted to say goodbye jay we just have to get out of Georgia." She said sound like she crying.

"Ok bye t. Look we can still be friends just don't try that slick ass shit." I said into the phone I hear her laugh and reply with a 'ok'.

-phone convo over-

Now she out the way nothing can stop me from getting unique. Matter a fact I had a feeling her and Kevin was screwing around he was always jelouse of me. Everything I had he just had to have. I buy these shoes he just got to buy the exact same ones now if he try to get unique I'm going to put his ass in a wheel chair and I mean permanently.


I'm drinking coconut milk then the lambada(the forbidden dance) song plays I look around. My family really plays this when they feel love in the air . They push the two love birds on the floor and they would have a connection. I look around trying to see who it was then my cousin Maria take my drink out my hand and push me on the floor and javon there.

"Javon do you know this dance?" i said looking up in his eyes.

"Just follow me beautiful." he said and we start dancing. It's like it's all in slow motion like we the only two people here and the spot light on us. The way his body moving with mine the way his firm hands are Hugging my curves. I look in his eyes and he bring our bodies close so close out crotches touching each other and we dip while he rubbing on my body some. I smile and just look at him. I can hear the music stop and me and him face to face and we breathing hard and my family and his clapping and I guess his mom recorded it.

"Wow that was aamazing." I said smiling and he smile back.

He take my hands and lead me to a table and we just talk and eat. He is really down to earth. To be honest he don't seem like a thug just maybe I will give him a chance.


Me and Kevin packing our bags and we put them in the car I look at him and smile. We kiss each other.

"Tina you know I had feelings for you since we first started messin around but you were with javon and I-"

I hush him up by kissing him and I smile.

"Baby it's just us too now ok so lets hurry up before my parents come back." I said as we getting in the car strapping up. We decided to run off together Kevin's legs was getting better but I decide to drive. Nobody won't miss us so what it doesn't matter. We like the same nobody give a damn about us they say they love us but in reality they don't. I'm done and I know he done we leaving I don't know where yet I just know we can't stay here in Georgia anymore. We start driving. I look over at him we smile and hold hands and he kiss the back end of mine.


My family is cleaning up and I'm up on the roof taking the decorations down and the balls people kicked on here and I feel hands grab my waist I almost fell and I turn and its javon.

"Javon! you scared me!" I yelled at him he laugh and the wind blowing so I move my hair out of my face. I sit by him on the roof and he just hold me in his arms I an smell the axe on him.

"Unique. You know there is a fair coming this weekend I was wondering next weekend do you want to go.... with me?" he asked it look like he was super nervous. After everything he did the flowers this right here like this is big and he have been super nice. He look down I turn his face towards me.

"I would love to go with you javon." I said and his smile just brightens up and he kiss my cheek and help me clean up the roof.

-in the house-

I'm in my room talking to Maria.

"Soo you and javon though." She said giggling and squealing I know she talked to him and snapped on him. Lol she told me too I was laughing.

"Shut up but he talking me to the fair next weekend." Se looks at me and smile hard.

"Girl lets find a outfit now while I'm here and we not leaving to next Sunday girl you about to look fly." I listen to her rant on and on and I look out my window and see him standing there and she look out the window then wave.

"You two can see in each other room? oooo I know y'all be being nasty." she said as she digging in my closet I lift up my widow and so do he.

"So why you watching me?" I asked smiling.

"Well I wanted to see your beautiful face again before I go to sleep." He blow me a kiss and I shut my window and blinds and I see the outfit Maria picked out for me. I smirk at it.

"These jeans is going to make your ass look great!" she exclaimed and held them up. The rest of the night we was just laughing and giggling.


"No Travis dude I'm for real she said yes!" I said loudly even though he sitting right in front of me. The girls in they pjs and they holding they teddy bears that the guys won them and I am just smiling.

"Ok jay from a women point of view don't start grabbing her ass and other things. Like don't come on too strong."chanel said look at me

I grab my notebook with unique and I turn to the page to the fair page I have a great idea and everything. Chanel and china in my closet finding something for me to wear but it's next weekend though. Doesn't matter you could never be too prepared. Can't wait she finally said yes after everything I did she giving me a chance. That night I went to sleep with a smile on my face.

-skipping to Friday-


I wake up to my alarm I mean tonight is the night we finally get to go out. I been waiting all week for this. The crew did met her and they love her Chanel and chyna already calling her bestie so its good. I told boss I can't come to work tonight he understood that and I glad but I do have to make up over time. Hey it's worth it though I just put on some basketball shorts and Nike socks, Nike slides with a shirt to match.

"Javon unique here!" I heard my mom yell. Yeah I decide to start at least giving her a ride to school I go down and she wearing sweats I smile and we walking to my truck. I mean we not fully you know going out but you know the feelings are there I can just feel it.

She wearing like what I got on but she have on Nike sweats. We planned this though we pull up and Travis and Chanel making out so is Trevor and china.

"Hey guys." Unique said as we walk up to them and the girls hug her and I dap them up. I can't wait till tonight though its going to be great. After school she said her cousin Maria picking her up they have to go make a run. I just nodded and told her to be ready like at 8 o clock.

-that night-

It's 7 and I have my outfit out its jeans that's cuffed at the end black and silver Jordan's that I got customize for me my diamond watch and necklace, silver and black Ed hardy shirt with a little blue in there.

I look in unique widow I see her cousins her mom and auntie all up on her getting her ready. She already looking beautiful. I close my blinds and I go grab the flowers from my mom they green roses she didn't even have to tell me her favorite color I knew it by looking at her just observing I smile and I go shower and get ready.


"Unique stop moving girl!" my mom yelled as she straightening my hair. This the first time I'm really straightening it. I already had got my shower and my cousin mafia start teasing my hair and then she get the hair she left out and I look its a big hump,they straighten the rest of my hair they have two twist coming back holding it with a bobby pin and my mom brush it. My hair is longer when it's straighten out.

"Soo what time he coming over?"

"About 8 I'm so nervous ma ma." I said fiddling with my hands.

"Girl this outfit and these pants is going to make your ass look amazing!" my aunt yelled I smiled and looked at my outfit.

My cousin Maria had this ideas I try a biker chick look so she got me black skinny jeans there not to tight not too lose. Some black kombat boots with chains and spikes on them, a leather jacket with spikes on the shoulder, and to top it off the tank too I am wearing with it is red you know I have to add some color in it somewhere. Yes u know a lot of black but it does look sexy on me.

"Unique come on just a little but more lipstick." my aunt shona said.

I stand still and they finish and step back and look at me.

"God I look ugly don't I?" I turn and look in the mirror and see red lipstick which has been darken with a eyes liner pencil and I have eye liner, mascara, and a little but of silver eye shadow. And a smile grew on my face and everyone except Maria leave.

"Unique I think this outfit will look amazing on you." She said as she help me get dressed so I don't mess up my hair.

-8 o clock-

"Unique javon here!" my mom yelled from downstairs. I take one more look at myself and I smile and I put on my leather jacket and I come down and he looking sexy. He have green flowers and I smile and smell them.

"These are beautiful. Thanks so much javon."

"Your welcome beautiful." He said. Maria took the flowers to put them in water and we was about to leave but my mom stopped us.

"Picture time guys!"

"Ma ma please no." I pleaded.

"Girl get yo butt in the picture." she demanded and me and javon took a picture. Then we leave and go get in his car. We driving and we listening to music. After a while we pull up and he come open the door for me and help me out and kiss my cheek.

"Did I tell you tonight you look really beautiful and I like this look on you." He said as he lock his car doors and grab my hand.

We go get two tickets so we can ride all the ride and he paid for it even though I had money he told me to keep it. We go and I see this big huge ride and he smirk at me and I look at him.

"No no it's not about to happen." I told him but he dragg me to the line. Lord I'm about to die.

"It's going to be fine." He told me as we started to get on and they put the bars down while I hold on to his arm right.

"It's ok ma I got you." He said as he put his arms around me and pulled me close to him.

Just the the ride takes off I hold on to him tight then it just dropped and I scream he hold me tighter. after a while the ride over I like no lie ran off and was shouting thank you god for getting me off that death trap.

"So what you think?" I just look at him

"I think you were trying to murder me getting me on that!" I yelled then me and him bust out laughing and we get on other rides.

-at unique doorstep-

"Javon I had a amazing time." I said while smiling and holding the huge bear he won for me.

"Unique I was wondering would you like to just you know be my girl?" he said asking me I look at him and look at the bear he have been doing a lot for me and just to get with me.

"Yes javon I would love to be your girl." He kiss my cheek and I walk inside and I shut he door and slide down it. God I can't believe this I have a boyfriend and he is better then yours. I start doing this funny dance and I hear laughing. I see my cousins and aunts and my mom and as you know we about to do girl talk.


"She said yes!" I yelled as I walked in the door and seen the crew and my mom.

I smile and tell them everything that happen then my dad walk in and walk past me and I smell cheap Perfume on him. I know it's not my mom she dont wear it in the house. She just smiling at me and I smile at her and my friends leave. God I hope he not cheating on my mom again.

Well here is another chapter guys I hope you liked it. My thumbs hurt like for real.

-javon flew the family out

-him and unique did the lambada (forbidden dance)

-do you smell love in the air?

-unique cousin Maria is crazy right.

-Tina and Kevin left. THANK GOD!!

-unique and javon going out to the fair next weekend.

-he finally got that date. YESSSS!!!!

-what outfit should unique wear?

-why outfit should javon wear?

-how you think the date went?

-they finally go together.

-javon dad cheating on his mom.

-now where you think he get his act from?

Well this chapter needs.

Whatever votes but I want at least 15 comments to tell me how u did. And how this chapter is. I know it's getting boring I'm sorry.

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