What happened

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Shawn p.o.v.
I saw Lila and she looked pretty mad

Me: hey babe..what's wrong

Lila: Alessia

Me: what about her

Lila: she threatened me ( lying)

I clinched my fist

Me: don't worry I will handle her

Jillian: actually Lila you-

Lila: shut up Jill

I went to my locker and found another letter

Me: ( reading it) sorry for bumping into you..A.C.

I know it's Alessia

Me: yeah whatever

Cameron: what's wrong

Me: nothing..do you know where Alessia is at

Cameron: she's in the music room

Me: thanks..

I ran to the music room

Alessia: ( playing guitar) da da la la

Me: YOU!!

She stopped playing

Alessia: uh Shawn I'm kinda practicing right now

Me: you're the one giving me love notes and now you are trying to fight my girlfriend!!!

Alessia: I don't know what you're talking about ( lying)

I choked her up

Me: just stay the fuck away from me..and don't worry about the project

I let her go and went to the hallway where Cameron was at

Cameron: you know we have a test today

Me: ..I forgot to study
End p.o.v.

Sydney p.o.v.

Me: here put this scarf on.

She put it on

Alessia: maybe I should talk to him

Me: no!! You are going to stop all of this!!

Alessia: but what if I can't

Me: well then we can't be-

I was cut off by miss Jenkins coming in the girls bathroom

Ms.Jenkins: girls get to class!!

We walked out and went our separate ways

Me: Alessia needs help

Cameron: what
End p.o.v.

His Stalker ( Alessia Cara and Shawn Mendes)Where stories live. Discover now