Boy Clone - Chapter one: First meeting

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We had been living apart from each other since our birth for some reason. Tonight was the first night I actually met her. We hadn't talked at all. We just sat there silently avoiding each other's eyes. An awkward silence had fallen.

Then, my sister looked at me intensely and I did exactly the same thing back. Het lips began to move. 'There is one thing I hate. Being reminded of the past.' After she said that she turned her back to me and switched of the light. Then she softly whispered; 'Good night' and left the room.

I could not sleep anymore after I heard that sentence. Just.... what happened?

I've been living apart from her since I was born. I'd been living in Hikaria for these fourteen years. She'd been living in Kagenia. This was the first night we could meet. We are a pair identical twins, but we don't know each other's secrets. We even don't have much similarities.

Instead, my older twin sister is my exact opposite. We are like shadow and light. She's the tomboyish one and I'm extremely girly. She even dyed her snow white hair black. Just to accentuate her personality.

Silently I sneaked out of my room. I closed the door and I immediately felt the temperature difference between my room and the cold and moist hall. I looked left. I looked right and opened the door of the room next to me where my twin sister slept. She was just changing her clothes when I stepped in and a scream followed next second. I put my hand on her mouth and said:

'Sssst... I've seen it and I know it.'

Her look, somewhere between angry and scared bugged me.

'That scar... It wasn't there some minutes ago... It's on exactly the same place where I cut myself... The hair color also suddenly changed to mine.'

The person in front of me sighed. I was confused. That person also had that...

Embarrassed, they put on the dress my twin sister wore when we last met on and we started to speak. Well, I did not speak. My mouth moved synchronized with theirs and with the same voice a wave of words was produced.

'Yes. I'm your boy clone. I was practically one of your cells, not exactly, I was manipulated. Only one of the x chromosomes were removed and a y chromosome with exactly the same alleles was placed back. I have always lived with you. In your mirror and in your shadow. This is the first time we can talk to each other. Your real twin sister is being held captivated somewhere in the universe. She will die if she reach your hometown.'

'Die?' I said a little bit too loud. Again, his mouth moved with exactly the same movements like I did before. I did not realised sooner that he was doing the exact the same moves when we spoke to each other and that it did not happen when we didn't spoke. This can be quite useful... And I grinned. The same smirk was on his face, apparently. Probably he knew exactly what I thought and felt. He smirked and nodded. I repeated the words I wanted to say and finished the sentence. 'This can be quite useful. We can use it to create an illusion. The only problem is there and there.' While speaking I touched my chest and pointed at the place between my legs.

'I know. I can use pads for the first problem.'

'Well... Since you know what I think, do you know what she thinks? And does she also have a boy clone?'

'No and no, I only lived with you. Her boyclone has disappeared for some reason.'

'That might be her secret. She told me, she hates being reminded of the past. It probably has something to do with her boyclone.'

'By the way, how come I didn't know anything of your existence until today? You said you'd always been at my side.'

'I've become a kind of replacement for your sister. You know, you two are the only pair of hikakage twins in this whole universe. Your cities are enemies and because you two are the only pair of genetically identical persons living apart from each other and each in one of these cities you two have become test subjects of the government. The government knew your parents. Your mother was from Hikaria while your father was from Kagenia. They had to bear a pair of twins, two pair of twins to be correct. Your parents hated eachother, they refused to do it at any costs. The government put your mother in prison and operated her 4 times. They removed 16 follicles and they tortured your father. They cut of his testes and breeded the spermcells themself. These cells were eventually brought together and the cell with most chance of succeeding was driven two parts. One of those parts were you two. The other was me and my twin brother. The x chromosome of our little cell was removed and replaced with the y chromosome I mentioned earlier. Again the two cells were driven apart with force and two pairs of identical cells were brought into your mother. Your, no, our mother was died right after she had given birth to us and our father was killed after he was bitten by a snake, which accidentally lay in his bed.

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