Dare 1- Kiss, Kill or Marry?

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Me: Welcome everyone to the first dare in our series, sugeested by @Enderess_Madi , and she dares that we get in pairs of the opposite gender, and play kiss, kill, or marry! By the way, I'll try not to make them a couple. Okay, so Raven and Hunter. Maddie and Daring. Humphrey and Briar.  Hopper and Cerise. I know there's more characters but whateves:3

Hopper and Cerise

Cerise: Me, Briar, and Raven

Hopper: Marry-Briar Kiss- Briar Kill-You and Raven

Cerise: That's not how it works dummy. Anyway, give me three names.

Hopper: Dexter, Hunter, Alistar

Cerise: Marry-Hunter Kiss-Alistair Kill-Dexter

Cupid (in the background): NOT MY BABY

Cerise: *rolls eyes*

Maddie and Daring

Maddie: Apple, Blondie, Rosabella

Daring: Marry- Rosabella *wink*

Rosabella: *blush*

Daring: Kiss- Blondie, because Apple is so annoying, Kill-Apple

Apple: Hmph. 

Humphrey and Briar

Briar: Me, hmm..

Apple: PICK ME

Briar: Okay. Me, Apple, and Mira Shards.

Humphrey: Marry- Apple Kiss- You Kill- Mira

Apple: *blush a bit* 

Raven: *Gives Humphrey the evil eye*

Humphrey: Hehe.... Hunter, me, Dex

Briar: Marry- Hunter, cuz he's cute.

Hunter: *blush a little*

Briar: Kiss- Dex. Sorry

Humphrey: I kinda get it.

Raven and Hunter

Raven: Blondie, Me, Apple

Hunter: Hmm. Marry- you

Apple: HEY

Hunter: Kiss- Blondie Kill- Apple

Apple: y me ;-;

Raven: Apple, It's ok I would never let him do that. *wink* Anyway, name three already.

Hunter: Dexter *evil laugh*, Me, Daring

Raven: Marry- None, Kiss- None, Kill- ALL OF YOU, Because I love Apple

Apple: *blush and kiss her cheek* I love you too

Hunter: Ugh *rolls eyes* 

Raven: You wanna go? Let's g-

Me: Alright! Thanks for reading, voting and commenting! Comment your dares down below! Byez 

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