One: I miss you.

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Ryan was listening to the new Panic! At The Disco ablum. Ear buds in ears and volume all the way up while he laid on his bed. It's been two years since the band broke up.

Ryan sighed and turned on his side as he listened to the song, "The Calendar" end.

The next song had a folk style toon to it. He furrowed his eyes and turned on his phone to see what the song was called.


It was, "Sarah Smiles." Ryan heard in an interview that Brendon wrote that song for his girlfriend, Sarah. The girl that he left Ryan for.

He could immediately tell that Brendon loved Sarah way more than he loved Ryan.

Brendon would never cheat on Sarah the way he cheated on Ryan multiple times.

He wouldn't yell at Sarah and get mad at her the way he did with Ryan.

This hurt Ryan. He felt that wave of hurt splash over him again. He felt the tears in his eyes again.

Ryan ripped his ear buds out of his ears and burst into tears.

He gripped the sheets and cried all his pain out. He wished Brendon hadn't left him.

He wished Brendon was right by his side again. Telling him how much he adored him.

Ryan cried and cried that night until he didn't have tears left.

All he could hear was his sobs and the words that Brendon last said to him.

"I don't love you anymore, Ryan."


Ah! Thank you for reading the first one shot of this story! There's always a song that inspires me to make the one shots! So the song that inspired me to make this one shot is:

Hurt by Jonny Cash

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