What About Angels?

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"What about them?" He asked and I could sense that he was a bit hesitant about it.

"Do you believe in them?" I asked feeling nervous on what was I about to tell him.

"I think they are there but they are not real. They could never be real. Our imaginations were the only ones that's making them alive." He answered and my heart sunk a bit. "Why were you asking me this anyways?"

"Nothing. I was just curious. That's all." I answered then smiled half-heartedly at him.

I knew how he was.

He never believed in me and I didn't know why.

" I don't believe you."

"You never did." After that I picked up my bag and went to my next class.

How was I going to tell him that this was my last day here? My last day with him.

Just as I was about to open the door to my classroom, someone held my hand and I knew who exactly it was.

"Hey, why did you walk out like that? I was just asking you the reason."

"It's nothing." I said and continued walking inside my room. Leaving him. That's what about to happen anyways. Me leaving a beautiful person like him.

To keep my day straight I decided to just follow my everyday routine. Starting with my biology class.

After an hour and a half of listening to my professor and watching those kids whisper about me, I decided that I needed to get out of here.

Without anyone noticing it I exited the room and went to Edward and I's favorite spot, a place where we were just a few hours ago.

"It was pretty boring eh?" Edward's voice startled me from behind.

"Oh my gosh Edward you almost killed me!" I screamed.

"Well I knew that you can never die anyways." And this caused me to tense up. What does he mean by that?

"You were such a scaredy cat May. Cats have nine lives right? So basically even if I kill you right now you'll still live. By then I shall have 8 more ways to kill you so that I can finally eliminate you in my life."

I must admit that even though that was just a joke it kinda hurt me.

Suddenly I was thinking if he really meant those words because you know, jokes were half meant.

Noticing my silence he asked.
"What were you doing here anyways?"

"Why do you have to bother me every time?" I retorted. Sometimes even though I love him, I just couldn't help myself to feel the urge to shoot him.

"Hey, I asked first! So you better answer me first before I answer yours."

Could this boy get any more serious?

But I was already tired so I just answered him straight away.

"I just wanted to be alone. Wanted some time. I just wanted a break."

"Why? Did Mr. Young gave you a hard test? Or those bitches were bickering about you again?" Edward said with concern and grit.

"Hey! Language! Besides they were not the reason why I am here."

"Then what is it?" He asked. His voice were melodic and they were luring me in, making me look at him and be drowned in his gorgeous almond eyes.

I just smiled at him. He would not understand.

What About Angels? (MayWard OneShot)✔Where stories live. Discover now