1: Welcome To Charming, Darling

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"Is there somethin' I can help ya with, lass?" Chibs Telford asked the beautiful brown-haired girl who'd just walked onto the TM lot.

"Actually, yeah," She said. "My car broke down literally just down the road, could you help me out?"

Chibs smiled at her and nodded his head. He led her over to a truck and helped her climb up into the passenger's seat.

"I'm Olivia, by the way," Olivia said.

Chibs smiles at her. "You can call me Chibs, lass,"

True to her word, Olivia's car was broken down just down the road from TM. Chibs towed it back to the shop.

"Thank you so much," Olivia said as a couple of the guys wandered over to fix her car. "How much?"

Chibs shakes his head. "No charge," He said.

Olivia's eyes widen and she shakes her head. "No, I have to pay something!" She exclaims.

Chibs, staying adamant, shook his head. "I don't charge beautiful girls like yourself, lass," He said, smiling at her.

Olivia felt a blush creeping up her cheeks and she looked down, smiling at her feet. "Well, thank you, Chibs,"

Chibs led her over to the picnic table and they sat down while the guys worked on her car. "I can tell you aren't from around here," Chibs said. "What brings you to Charming?"

Olivia smiles. "I needed a fresh start," She said simply. "I heard this is a good place to do that,"

Chibs nodded in agreement. "It certainly is," He said.

"So, what brought you to Charming?" She asked him. "From that accent, I'd say you're... Scottish?"

Chibs smiled. "That I am, lass," He said. "And same as you. Needed a fresh start,"


Hours later, Chibs and Olivia were still talking at the table. Jessa Teller, the younger sister of VP Jax Teller, walked over to her boyfriend, Happy, and glanced over at Chibs and Olivia. "Who's that?" She asked.

Happy shrugs his shoulders after following her gaze. "Some broad Chibs helped out earlier," He said.

Jessa smirked. "It looks like Chibby's taken a liking to her," She said.

Happy chuckled, nodding in agreement. "I can see why," He says, laughing when Jessa elbowed him in his side.


The time had really flown by while Chibs and Olivia were talking. Before they knew it, it was mid-afternoon and Olivia hadn't even made it to her new house yet.

Chibs had walked away from the table just moments ago to go and check on Olivia's car, and Olivia smiled brightly when she saw him walking back over to her.

"We've gotta keep your car until tomorrow," He said. "But it should be all fixed up in the morning,"

Olivia sighed as she stood up. "Alright, thanks Chibs," She said.

"You need a ride?" He asks her.

Olivia chuckled. "I've never been on a motorcycle before," She said.

Chibs smirked at her, holding out his hand. "Well, there's a first time for everything,"

He lead her over to his bike and handed her his helmet. She smiled back at him and slid it on before climbing onto the bike behind him, and wrapping her arms around his torso.


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