First Day

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~Hope’s PoV~
I practically jumped out of my seat when the bell rung. Math was so dang boring and of course Mom decided that I had to take the advanced math and I couldn’t just get an easy ride. I walked outside and spotted Mason. I walked up to him

“Hey Mas” I said. Last year Mason got bad grades so I am going to tutor him, and by tutor him I mean we do homework in the same room at the offices and if he has questions he asks me.

"Hey” He growled. It’s first day of school and second year of uggghhhh I hate high school.

“How’s your first day of 11th grade?” I asked. You have no idea how much it bugs me to be a year younger than him.

“Good.” He growled. He always acts like he doesn’t know me. It is because he wants to be a
stupid popular kid. He can’t bare to be seen with a nerd. As soon as we get out of school he is
more friendly but not like he used to be. I feel like I am a dead weight to him.

“HOPE MASON HI” I looked over to see Brianna running over. I smiled.

“Hey Bri” I said

“Hey” She said.

“What’s it like being a high schooler?” I said

“COOL! Even though I have only been one for like 8 hours.” Bri said. I laughed.

“Well I guess we should get going. My dad will be waiting for us and even though we don’t have homework” Mason said leading us to his car.

“I have homework” Brianna stated

“Which dumb teacher gave you homework on the first day?” I asked

“I have to get signatures on stuff” Bri said

“That doesn’t count! That is just homework for your parents” I said

“Hah yeah” Mason said unlocking his car. We all got in and drove to SkyMedia offices.

We walked into the offices.

“How was your first day?” Adam said when we walked in.

“Good” Mason and I said

“IT WAS AMAZING!” Bri yelled

“Wow you had a good day” Adam said. “Do you guys have any homework?”

“Nope not unless you consider signatures like someone over here.” Mason said.

“HEY” Bri squealed

“Well then I am glad you guys had a good day. You can go ahead and chill until your parents
come by.” Adam said.

“COOL” Bri yelled. I have no idea where she gets all this energy.

Time Skip to home

“Hey Hope how was your first day of school?” Dad greeted me when I walked in the door.

“Good.” I said

“Did you make any new friends?” He asked

“I’m not five I have the same friends I have had for the past 3 years.” I said

“I know it but if you see someone left out invite them over. Oh and you're being nice to Brianna
right?” He said

“Dad she’s my sister from another mister.” I said

“So sisters fight a lot.” He said

“Not best friends that are so close they are like sisters.” I said

“Are you sure about that?” He said and look over to Mom as she walked into the room.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Mom said

“I was just telling Hope that just because she is best friends with someone doesn’t mean they
can’t fight” Dad said

“And I am going to tell her that yes they can fight it doesn’t mean they have to regret it their
whole life or be constantly reminded of it.” Mom said resentfully. I looked at them. I was missing something but Dad was slowly starting to smile playfully so I guess it is okay.

I backed away to my room. It’s a total disaster I mean why would you ever use a laundry basket? It drives Bri crazy. I think it is funny. I mean with her high energy and craziness you
would think she would be the dump. Nope that is me.

I looked at my wall I had a bulletin board of a bunch of childhood pictures: Me and Mason running around a sprinkler when I was 2 and he was 3, Bri laying upside down on a couch next to me Mason and Julia (Jess’s daughter) ​ when we were like 7ish, Me, Mason and Bri cosplaying Frisk, Chara and Asriel. I looked at the more recent pictures of us three. Well in the past two years there weren’t really any. Last year at Halloween Mason declared he was to old to dress up with me and Bri. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. Why do people grow apart when they get
older? Our parents all met when they were older but us? We grew apart. I sighed.

I need Mason to come back.


Thank you soo much for reading this

Love ya little tacos

Hope's Hope: A Sequel To TacosWhere stories live. Discover now