Part 2: The Ruins

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I'm writing this a little bit different from the real game just so you know.
|Play The Music|

"Come my Child, Oh! I'm so sorry...*Ahem*
I'm Toriel Caretaker of the RUINS ...Your pretty early...You see a child has fallen here Last 2 days ago...And they told me someone might fall so I came to check the flowerbed" She introduced hersel- ...FRISK!
"What is the name of the other fallen child!?" I ask Toriel, Worried.
"Oh...its Frisk" Toriel said gently.


Wait...should I tell Toriel I know frisk?
Neh. I'll tell her later.
"Should I continue?" Toriel asked me.
I Nodded.
"The RUINS is full of Puzzles and you have to solve them to go to the next room" she walks to the next room and I follow her.
"To progress here, You have to flip the levers, don't worry I have labeled the ones you must flip" We walked through the bridge then she stopped and I flipped the first lever with signs then we did the same over and over then at the end she stopped in front of spiky traps I flipped the lever and the spikes went down.
"I am proud of you,little one. Let us proceed to the next room"

"As a Human living in the Underground, Monsters can attack you and you'll enter a FIGHT and when you do, try to strike a friendly conversation. Go ahead, Try talking to the Dummy" I walked to the dummy and circled it.

"Whatcha gonna do huh!? Huh?" I was gonna punch it but then Toriel warned me...Oh well.

You've encountered the Dummy.

|Fight| |Act| |Item| |Mercy|

*Check. *Talk

You talked to the Dummy

....*it doesn't seem good for conversation
....*Toriel looks happy with you

YOU WON 0 xp AND 0 gold

"YEAH! I WON!" I Shout roughly.
"Very good." Then we move on to the next room.
"There is another Puzzle in this room...I wonder if you can solve it" We walked through the zig zag hallway

Froggit attacks you

|Fight| |Act| |Item| |Mercy|

*Check. *Compliment

*You compliment Froggit...he didn't understand you but was flattered anyways.
Toriel Glared at Froggit and Froggit Carefully hopped away.

YOU WON! 0xp AND 0gold

We continued walking until we stopped...the room was filled with Spiky traps...No one can get through this.
"Here is the Puzzle, take my hand"
We walked through the Spiky traps by stepping at the correct places.
"Puzzles seem too dangerous." We walked away but then Toriel stopped at a long wide hall
"You have done excellent my child...but I have a difficult request for you" she stopped a little then continued,"I would like you to walk to the end of this hall by yourself. . . . forgive me." Then she walked away I tried following her but she was gone.

"Toriel!...uh...okay I can do this" I walked down the hall then I saw a suspicious pillar at the end then Toriel popped up.
"Greetings, My Child...I have not leave you I was Just merely behind this Pillar...Thank you for trusting me....However,this test is to test your Independence...I must attend to some business, You must stay alone for a while. . . .please remain here its far too dangerous to explore yourself. . . AH! I know I will give you a CELL PHONE. . . If you need anything just call.
Be good, alright?" Then she left me.

She said I can't explore by myself...but I want to!
I walked to the next room and I saw Froggit sitting at the corner then suddenly my Phone rang.


I Answere-

----------Game Paused--------------
Okay...I left you there...Just a this book okay?
I mean IM kinda liking it...but that's me what about you?

Bye Writers.

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