The Job

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Author's  notes- ~Hey guys this is my first fiction and i hope you like it if there are any mistakes i will do my best to fix them. but anyway hope you enjoy it.~


The day starts like any other y/n gets up and ready for school. All ready and dress you head downstairs to eat breakfast, you were in a slump cause it had been weeks since you went looking for a job and haven't heard anything back yet.

~thinking out loud~

you: "Man this really sucks. Why can't i find a job anywhere?"

You: "Ugh!..." You said scratching your head in frustration, as your mom walks into the kitchen.

Mom: "What's wrong honey?" she asked a little worried.

You: "It's nothing mom." You say not looking up from your food.

 Mom: "Is this about job hunting still?" she asked with her eye brows raised curiously.

You: "...yes." you say still looking away.

Mom: "Well you know my friend's son who lives alone-"

You: "yea?" you say interrupting her in the middle of her sentence with your brows risen.

 Mom: "Well he's looking for someone to keep the house clean." she casually says while rummaging through her purse.

you: *squealing with a huge smile plastered on your face while hugging your mom* "YES! YES! YES! A MILLION TIMES YES!"

You couldn't help but smile the rest of the day. Your mom said she would call her friend and let her know that you would meet her after school to interview you for the possibility of getting the job.

~At school~

you couldn't stop smiling to yourself and your friends Bella and Taylor we're giving you worried looks because you wouldn't say anything to them about why you were unusually happy right now. You just laughed at their faces reassuring them that you were fine, you explained that you were just excited that you finally could get a job possibly.

Bella and Taylor: "That's awesome y/n!" They both said excitedly.

You: "Thanks guys." you said as you all walked to class.

~After school~

With school over I rushed out the school doors headed to my car going to the coffee shop by my house to meet mrs. Park; mom's friend.


Mrs. Park's POV

~In her mind~

 "I'm here at coffee shop to interview my friend Lory's daughter y/n I hope everything goes well she seems like a nice girl. I just... I just hope she can handle Jimin in all his attitude..."

~ring ring~

The sound of a phone call interrupts her train of thought. Its Jimin.

Jimin: "Mother I already told you I don't need help or being watched by your little puppets." He said grit of his teeth.

Mrs. Park: "You listen to me, and listen good. I am your mother and you do what I say. Do you understand?" she says irratated herself.

Jimin: "Fine whatever." He mumbled in a dark tone hanging up the phone.

She sighs.

Mrs. Park: "How long are you going to hold this against jimin?"


Your POV

I finally arrive bowing at mrs. Park for being late before speaking.

You: "Annyeonghaseyo, i'm sorry I'm late you haven't been waiting for long have you?" I asked worried that i may have blown my chances of getting this job.

Mrs. Park: "Annyeonghaseyo y/n-ah, it's fine I haven't been here for long don't worry." she said with a smile, waving her hands for you to sit down at the table so you guys can talk.

Mrs. Park: "So... how's school going? she asked curiously.

You: "It's fine, I'm working on getting a scholarship to college and if that doesn't work out, I'm planing on getting a job well this job if I'm lucky (you smile while laughing) so I can pay for it my own way. And so my mom doesn't have to pay for my tuition cause she's stressed enough as it is and I like to have my independence."

Mrs. Park: "Well that's good that you have goals that you want to accomplish." she said intrigued with my life plans while smiling gently at me.

 You: "Thank you." I said smiling.

Mrs. Park: "So I have a proposition for you y/n, as you know from what your mom told you my son Jimin lives on his own and doesn't really know how to keep his house clean. So I was wondering if you wouldn't mind working for him as a maid, but you would also have to stay there... and you of course would have your own room in the house. Living there would make it easier to keep up with his messes." She said with a nervous voice.

I looked at her happy but confused at the same time.

you: (mom!!! I'm gonna kill you for this!!! What do I do!? ={ )

You: "Sure..." I paused and swallowed hard. "When do I start?

Author notes: Ok so that was my first chapter of the story i hope you guys liked it tell what you thought of it and i'm all ears for corrections let me know ok byebye. =D  ;)

I own nothing from the pictures to music that I use, unless said otherwise.

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