Chapter Three

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Six Years Ago,

I walked solemnly, each step weighted by unseen burdens. The tears were cascading down my cheeks, with each step came a silent sob. I continued walking to my mother wake, Able in my arms. The wake was being held at a botanical garden in town. She loved nature and all that.

My mother’s friend, Avelyn drove me there. Sh ewas blonde and had ocean blue eyes. In all of the chaos of my mother’s death three months ago, I had never seen her cry. Her skin, however, did take on a sickly tone. Both of us dressed in all black , our dresses billowing around us as we walked together from our parking spot.

“What thirteen year old girl loses her mother?” I thought aloud.

Avelyn stopped and tried pulling me into a hug, but I pulled away. I made an excuse about Able being in my arms, but really, I didn’t want anyone besides Abe touching me. He confronted me somehow.

“I’m sorry” they say or “My condolences”, like any of that mattered. My mother was dead, now all I had was Able. As if he knew my thoughts he looked up at me. I don’t understand why Avelyn made me bring my cat with me to her funeral, I am surprised he didn’t run away by now. I guess I am happy she did though, he keeps me stable.

We made it, there were people everywhere in the foliage. I knew none of them and wondered how they knew her. She was a recluse, she couldn’t possibly know any of them, and they all looked like models. Maybe they were her clients or somthing.

I walked deeper into the garden. It was a bright day, sunny, a beautiful day, and I hated it. There was crisp green grass at my feet, crunching as I continued.  It’s not allowed to be a crystal blue day at your mother’s funeral. Where is the dramatic rain, the thunder? Why did the world kill her, no murder her, and not give her a proper burial?

A large muscular man in a black and white suit walked up to me. “I am sorry for you loss, and before you could even awaken,” he motioned to Avelyn, who had walked off to talk to the guests, “Will she be the one watching over you.”

I do not have any relatives that I was aware of, and my mother never really left the house. I guess that was her downfall when the supposed “robber” broke in. I stopped crying, I needed to grow up. As if to comfort me Able nuzzled my neck.

“I don’t know,” I replied. “What do you mean awaken, I wasn’t home when my mother was killed?”

He frowned. “Oh I am sorry, I meant to say before you grew up,” he corrected.

“That sounds noth-” I was interrupted by Avelyn.

“The service is about to begin,” she said.


“No, buts, this is you mother’s funeral now go sit” she spat. The man gave a curt bow and hurried away as Avelyn glared after him.

Avelyn was the one to arrange the wake. Her and mother were best friends, even with my mother reclusive attitude. That, however, did not give her the right to say something like that to me. No matter how close they were, she was my mother, and not hers.  

I opened my mouth to say something back, but Avelyn was bawling. She started heaving her body convulsing with each breath, her face started to get red and puffy.

“I’m sorry, I just, she was my best friend. Can we please just both sit and grieve, I don’t want to argue, “ she gasped in between words.

I gave her a nod and went to walk to our seats.

I woke up crying, the dream stirred memories in me I thought were gone. The boy was awake but, chained to a wall. Able was at my side on the ground.

“Looks like ‘Sleeping Beauty’ woke up. I would have you woken you up earlier but, I was scared that your guard cat would mess me up again,” he says.  “What are you anyway?”

“Shut up” I reply. I did not feel like talking.

“Did you just tell me to shut up?”

I choose to ignore his question and telepathically ask Able to cut his sense of touch.

“Wha’ th’ cra’p” he wailed his words garbled.

“Shut up!” I scream back at him. “Just shut up!”

I could not think, I was still emotionally raw from my dream. Everything hurt my mother’s death fresh in my mind, and I started crying again. Able, distracted by my outburst stopped casting the illusion on the boy.

“Why are you crying,” he snorts.

My aura expanded into the air, the room becomes engulphed in a mini cyclone. “I said shut up!” I roared.

The mattress lifted into the air, and the dirt and dust on the ground swirled around me. The vampire started screaming, his eyes now a neon red. The mattress b-lined his way and smashed him into a wall. His screaming smothered by the mattress crushing him. I did not even notice. I'd lost control.

Able being my familiar and extension of my aura was unaffected by the wind. “Vivain, you need to pull back” he yells. Then he started to growl, looking at the entrance to the cell.

I felt three stabs in my arms, I looked down to see three aluminum darts shining starkly against my tan skin. The stench of Juniper Berriers wafted in the air, then black.

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