we be all night

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        Your boyfriend of two years just broke up with you in one of the worst ways anyone could break up with someone. Over a simple text message. I mean, you've always been prone to fall for jackasses so you didn't expect much out of this relationship but in the end, you really ended up falling for Ben, hard. This whole relationship was obviously another one of your stupid mistakes that you continue to make and of course, you don't really know what to do next. 'Do I call someone?' You ask to yourself as you wipe some of the tears that have managed to make their way down your cheek. You pick up your phone up off the arm of the couch and look through your contacts swiftly,

         "Not calling her, or her, or her, nope, never. God no, she's a fucking bitch. There's no way she'd understand, she'd make this about her, Oh, here we go. Finally." You say as you press the call button on Val's contact. She always listens. I mean, she is your best friend after all. 

                "Hey Y/N, What's up?" Your friend, Val asks, the sound of her music in the blasting in the background.

                "Hey. Uh, something bad just happened." You say with a small crack in your voice, more tears starting to well up in your eyes. You have to admit, you're actually pretty heartbroken.

                "What happened?" Val asks worriedly, her music being turned down.

                "Well, Ben just broke up with me over text." You say, starting to just let it out, sobbing. At this rate, you'll feel numb by the end of the night. I mean, things like this have become second nature to you over the years.

                "What a fucking jackass." Val says bluntly, a touch of anger on her tone. She's always been one to try and make you feel better about anything. "Y/N, listen. It's going to be okay. You deserve way better than Ben anyways. If he was a real gentleman, he would have at least ended it in person but he decided to prove how much of a dick he is and end your relationship in the douchiest way possible." Val says, starting on her break-up pep talk. "Here, how about this. There is a club downtown I was going to go to tonight but Cass bailed on me. Maybe you'd want to go with me? It would make you forget about Mr. Asshole." Val offers, making you sigh. You always have to agree to go with her or she'll hold it against you for months on end.

                "Yeah, I should probably get out anyways and get my mind off it all. Could you pick me up in thirty minutes?" You ask with a small sniffle. God, this better not be a terrible mistake.

                "See you then, Sexy." Val says, making you laugh a little as you hang up. Here goes nothing. 


        When Val arrives at your apartment thirty minutes later, you are feeling more pissed then upset at Ben. With that, you decided to be sassy and daring and wear that small black dress Val got for you for your birthday two months ago.

                "Ready?" Val asks, her eyes getting wide as she sees what you're wearing, making you feel a tad insecure. "Y/N, you look so good in that dress. Damn, I got good taste." She says, laughing and you laugh along with her, pulling down your dress a little.

                "I'm actually more than ready. Thanks Val." You say as you open the passenger door, hopping in. You look in your clutch you brought for your phone and then you realize you left it on the counter inside.


                "Should I go back inside and grab my phone?" You ask Val, looking over at her curiously. You don't know if it's really needed on a night like this one. 

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