The First Things:Part 2

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Okay hi everyone and welcome back!
This a part two of what I did last time there I just tell you all a bit about me and who I am! So let's get started!

Last time I told you all about that I don't really know who I am! Like my gender identity and stuff, so I'm going to talk to you a little bit more about that, about my family and school!
You could say the basics!

So first! My gender identity and who I am is really confusing for me right now and have been for a couple of months! I have been googling really much, looking at videos at YouTube and following people on Instagram! When I met my best friend 4 months ago I started questioning it more and thinking about it more (so you all know, I don't mean that was a bad thing) because she is nearly like a copy of me! We are so much like each other and think about the same stuffs, understand each other really well and have the same opinions about so many things! One day we started to talking about pride cause it was going to be pride weekend in a town nearly us and we was thinking about going there together! After we had that talk it didn't make my feelings better of course. It just made me thinking about who I am so much more and know I always have it in my mine, sometimes less and sometimes more but it's always there!

I told you this last time but I tell you it again just because I think it's important for me to say!

I'm not a girly girl, more like a really really boyish one! Wear boys clothes, like things that boys usually like, I don't really am like all the other girls and don't get along very well with them, I get really annoyed when they jut talk about boys all the time and no one ever really understand me except my best friend! I'm hard to understand when you are not like me and few is!

This is most of the reasons to why I'm so confused and I can't get it out of my mind! If it's someone of you who feels the same as me then I would be really happy to have someone to talk to!

So the main reason wast that this would just be in 2 parts but this subject takes really hard on me to talk about so I hope you guys is okay with my decisions and I'll see you all next time!

Comment if you feel the same as me or just wonder anything! Hope you like it and see you in part 3! Byyyyyeeee!😊

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