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HAPPY HALLOWEEN BITCHES! 🔮Enjoy this Mace one shot! Be sure to head over to UnholyHelbig's account to find her book full of Halloween themed oneshots which include this one and another one of mine!

Mamrie is afraid. She's never been to a psychic before. She's purposely stayed away from them because she never had the desire to know her future. It didn't appeal to her. Why would she want to know what's going to happen in the future? It ruins the surprise. It would defeat the purpose of living life, right? Nonetheless, she's going today because she's reached a point in her life where she thinks she'll die alone. She got out of a long term relationship just over a year ago and she hasn't been able to put herself out there ever since. She wants to know if she'll ever find love again. People say it's possible to fall in love more than once but she's beginning to think that it's all a lie. The purpose of going is for the psychic to tell her that she will indeed fall in love again and to not worry, but what if the psychic says the opposite? What if she tells her that she will be forever alone? She's willing to take that chance. The worst that could happen is that the psychic confirms her worries.

Making her way to the door of the shop, she laughs at herself. These people aren't really legit, are they? There are lots of fakes but she did research on this particular one. Reviews stated that Madame Helbig is, in fact, real. People claim that everything she said came true. She's a bit skeptical but she'll have to see for herself.

She pulls open the door and there stands a tall blonde woman looking at her. She's absolutely beautiful. Damn.

"Welcome! You can call me Grace."

"Nice to meet you. I'm-"

"Mamrie." Grace cuts her off.

"How did you-" Mamrie pauses and looks at Grace.

"Well. I'm a psychic medium so..." The blonde laughs.

Mamrie blushes from embarrassment. All of her skepticism floats away from her. How would this woman know her name if she wasn't legit?

"Also, I know you. I could tell before you walked through the door that we had a connection." Grace smiles, pointing to the couch, "Please, sit."

Mamrie does as she's told and sits at the edge of the black couch while Grace sits across from her in a chair. She looks around and notices that this is not at all what she expected. The place is homey. It looks like an ordinary living room with ordinary decor. There's no crystal ball. Grace is not wearing any crazy clothing. It calms her a bit, to think that this is a normal environment.

"Do you want anything to drink before we get started?"

"No, I'm alright. Thank you, though." Mamrie smiles.

"Okay. Let me know if you need anything," Grace says as she picks up her notebook and pen.

Mamrie nods and tries to relax.

"So I know you're nervous. That's normal. But there's no reason to be. I will not tell you anything you do not want to hear," Grace pauses and looks up at Mamrie who is sitting back in the couch now.

"Okay so I need you to grab my left hand and I will write in this notebook as I see things with my other hand."

Mamrie slowly reaches out her hand to Grace's. When her fingertips touch the blonde's, a shock erupts between them. She immediately pulls back and furrows her brows.

"Oh wow. Okay," Grace begins to write something on the blank paper.

"What? Does that mean something?" Mamrie asks.

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