Chapter 7 - Triapathis

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Andrew's P.O.V:

"Wake up sleepy, first test begins with a friend or foe that decides who wins"

I really wanted to punch that bastard right in the mouth, if it wasn't for the restraints I would've done it by now.

With an attempt to pull myself up off the ground I realized I could only just feel the rope restraining me become loose.

"What time is it?" I know this was a stupid question but still.

"It's game time" he said in a way that sounded like a seventeen year old boy never grew up and decided to act a joker.

I closed my eyes wanting to go back to sleep. WACK! Something booted me on the side of my face.

"No more sleeping, time to play a friend is waiting down that way" the rope bound around my hands become undone from where ever it was tied to and pulled me along and out of the room.

The light in the next room was so bright it was almost blinding. Colors, lots and lots of colors everywhere like a children's play room or a Mario race track, It was huge.

By the time my eyes adjusted I was sitting in the third red and blue roller coaster cart with what looked like miles of track ahead of it, however the creep was sitting in the first cart.

I could only see the back of him as he never once turned back or to his side. He wore; a pair of dirty army boots, yellow and purple stripped trousers and a black trench coat that only went to bellow his ass with a slit in the middle at the end. His hair was scruffy and dyed a copper color with grey hairs popping out at points.

The ride started to move as the safety bars came down over our heads. This gave me the perfect chance to untie the rope. A few twists and turns later I had undone the rope but now had to think of a way to get off the roller coaster without causing to much attention.

It rounded in large circles as it continued into a deep black hole.

This guys just stared on ahead most likely daydreaming or something.

I looked back to see how many carts the coaster was. One, two, three... five it was five carts long starting from front to back. All I needed to do was get over the last two carts to get onto the track then climb back up and out of here before this nut job took me any farther.

Just my luck, the coaster stopped as I was about to make a run for it. The man pulled on my rope getting me to move.

Come on think... that's It!

Running I quickly wrapped the rope around the man's neck and pulled as hard as I could, that was until... he shattered into tiny micro pieces and a voice spoke from a loud wall speaker.

"Tisk Tisk, you shouldn't do such things you could get yourself disqualified" it sounded pitted.

"What's so bad about being disqualified?" Silence at first.

"You get to watch your loved ones die right before you do"

My mind was racing at that point then stopped on one thought; well, pack your bags boys we're leaving to the pub...

Even through all the chaos I really wanted a beer.

"Tick tock boy, the games aren't going to win themselves" it screamed.

An iron gate to the right that was almost the same size as Kat's wings opened, without thinking I cautiously walked through it into the darkness of the cave.

"Hello?" Silence...

The sound of a power station being turned on came to my hearing.

"Who's There?!"

There were lights, bright red lights that made everything only just bearable to see.


"For what?"


What was it on about?


A hidden door opened and roar that rattled the cave screamed into my ears.

Fuck this shit I'm out...

I ran back to the entrance of the cave but it was gone, almost as if it wasn't there.

Another roar. A maniacal laugh. The lights dimming.

What was this place and why couldn't I get out? I felt... human.

"Giving up?"

Another roar and the beast that made the terrifying sound.

It was a Triapathis, a deadly creature similar to a Gargoyle but worse, they look like white lioness's with large crimson scorpion tails, small wings made of clear sharp ice and eyes that pierced your soul.

And just like a cartoon leaving their dusty silhouette behind, I bolted further down in to cave looking for a way out or a place to hide. Dead end!

The silhouette of the Triapathis was getting bigger and I was running out of time. I hid behind what few bolder's where blocking the beast's sight, not that it would help, those things can smell your scent for miles on end.

Then everything changed, from being cornered by a Triapathis in a dark cave to a flash of white light. My sense's dimmed until the only thing I could do was watch and listen.

The light started to faded and standing in front of me was a woman, my mother. She had died in battle years ago when I was about three years old  so I really never knew her, much like Katherine except she still has her father.

"Do you remember the story of the boy and the baby Triapathis?" Her voice was smooth, almost as if the memory was real.

"One day a young boy named Axel was told by  his mother to go out in to the forest to collect fire wood for dinner that night but not to go to far.

He had ignored what his mother had told him about not going to far and continued further, but by the time he had realized that he was lost.

For an hour Axel wondered alone, aimlessly calling out to his mother. Enough time had gone past that he gave up hope and sat down on a large tree root crying, and soon after was met face to face with a baby Triapathis.

Axel stopped crying and was instantly set in panic, he knew what the beasts could do and didn't want it to come any closer, so Axel ran and ran. Footsteps behind him, adrenaline pumping through him veins. Next thing he knew his knee was hurting and he was on the ground in pain, he had tripped and scrapped his knee.

The baby Triapathis slowly and cautiously walked to his bleeding knee and started to lick the wound clean to show she wasn't a threat to him, the good thing about Triapathis saliva is that it can instantly heal anything it touches.

Axel stopped crying and the two stared at each other in awe.

From that moment on Axel and the baby Triapathis would forever stay friends, and he made a promise that day that no matter what happened he would always be there to protect his friend."

The moral of the story is that a Triapathis would not harm an injured being as long as the injuries did not come from it's attack, but that only a myth that has never been confirmed to be true.

The light was gone along with my mother, I was back in the cave. It was like I never left, the beast was now coming around the corner.

'I hope this works' was the last thing I thought before grabbing one of the rocks and slamming it into my arm that was up against one one the bolder's. I had broken my arm.

A little while later the Triapathis had finally spotted me, talking a quick and cautious walk over, and just like a wolf with an injured cub it healed me. It was like I was the boy 'Axel' in the story.

Loud sirens went off along with red flashing lights.

"Congratulations, you've past the first test now let's see how you do with the wrest!" That same annoyingly creepy voice from the speaker again.

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