Chapter 49

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"Where is he?" I ask myself while I sit in the car.

With each passing second I was growing increasingly annoyed.

Ten minutes had gone by and Alexander still hadn't come out yet.

Maybe Caleb had gotten his hands on Alexander and wasn't letting him go.

I mean I wouldn't be surprised.

Finally just as I was about to get out of the car, Alexander's figure walking out of the jewelry shops door could be seen.

"Took you long enough." I mutter sourly.

"Sorry babe, I had to get a few thing sorted out." He says happily, getting into the car.


"You know, the check and handling, all that important stuff."

"Oh okay, so where are we off to now?" I say sinking back further into the surprisingly comfortable seat.

"Well first we're going to get something to eat for breakfast and then well you'll see." Is all he says as he turns the radio on, cutting off any chance of conversation.

It's Alexander, what's the worst he could do?

Clearly one should never underestimate not only their opponent but anyone for that matter.

"Nora!" Squeals Sandra, as she pulls me into a hug.

"Hi." I try to respond back as enthusiastically as I can even with David staring at me with dissatisfaction.

As David turns his back to me, I glare at Alexander for putting me in this position while he merely responds back at me with a sheepish grin.

"What brings you here?" Sandra happily asks.

"I have no idea myself." I say back with a strained grin.

I was hoping this whole thing could be put off sooner but apparently not, especially if it was up to Alexander.

"Come in come in." His mother beams, ushering us into the house and to the living room.

It was pretty much just like Alexander's own home but it had more of a homey atmosphere and looked a bit more lived in.

The only place that actually looked lived in at Alexander's house was his bedroom.

And I hated to think of why that was.

Sitting down on one of the smaller sofas, Alexander sits down next to me and puts an arm around the back of where I sit.

"So what's exactly going on son?"

Straight to the point I see.

"Look father, I wasn't planning on marrying her but maybe a fake engagement is the right thing." Alexander starts out calmly.

Sandra clearly didn't like what she was hearing as she glares at Alexander and huffs out loudly.

"That is no way to court someone Alexander James! You either marry her for real or not at all."

"It's not like that mother, you have to understand Nora and I are most definitely not at that stage, or any stage for that matter."

Sandra stares at me and I try to smile back at her but the look she sends back clearly shows she isn't fooled.

"Did you even ask Nora? Hm? Maybe she didn't want to go through with all of this before you announced to the world that you two were engaged. I raised you to be a responsible man Alexander." Sandra lectures sternly at him and I feel Alexander stiffen beside me.

"Your mother's right young man. What you did wasn't the best choice. I know I may have pushed you but in no way did I mean it like that." David's voice was calm and collected.

All throughout the entire conversation I sat stock still.

I don't know how exactly I should feel.

I mean I knew I always had delayed reactions to everything and had to think everything over a hundred times but I had never ever been in this sort of situation before.

Nearly the whole world knew Alexander was now engaged to be married, and most daunting was that they knew he was engaged to me.

I know he did it to help, but wasn't there another way?

I didn't really help in the whole decision either with me opening my mouth at the event.

I couldn't really point fingers at anyone.

Only at Sam and he wasn't even worth pointing fingers at.

"Look what's done is done and Nora and I have already discussed everything there is," seeing my look he clears his last statement, "well nearly everything."

"We can only guide you Alexander, we can't force you to do anything anymore." Says his father.

"Well it didn't seem like that when you came into my office and demanded Nora and I to get married." Retorts Alexander.

David merely looks away and stands up with his wife as they both go out of the room, to give us some time I suppose.

"Was all this really necessary Alexander?" I mumble out, watching the door close behind his parents.

"It was the only thing I could think of, it was in the heat of the moment. You know I'd never say anything like that."

"Yes I've heard multiple times that even the thought of you marrying me disgusts you." I spit out.

His words had finally gotten to me.

Yes I knew we were only dating or whatever the hell we were but every time he would say those words they'd hurt.

I tried to reign it all back but each time was a slap in the face.

"Where is this coming from Nora? I've told you how I feel, it's not my fault you don't feel the same way." Alexander replies back standing up, anger emitting from his voice.

"What way?" I stand up as well not liking him looming over me so much.

"I told you I loved you." Alexander almost shouts out at me.

"Okay you did not say that, you said you think you were falling in love with me." I answer back, my voice raising slightly.

"Good grief Nora," he says rolling his yes before striding up to me.

"I just bought you an engagement ring, I'm doing this whole ordeal with you, do you really believe I would even think of doing this for someone I don't clearly love. What will make you understand that I actually have feelings for you, that I do love you. Whether you realize this or not is besides the point. I'm doing this not only to get my ass off the line but yours as well. I've being trying to find ways so Sam can't come within two feet of you. Do you know that? I'm doing everything I possibly can do to protect you from the likes of him not because I like you or because it's fun but because I actually fucking love you but you don't seem to understand that."

By the end of his long speech he breaths harshly and comes up closer to me while I stand there rooted to my place in sheer shock.

Questions swirl through my mind and I try to wrap my head around each and every one of them.


"Am I interrupting something here?" Questions a sultry voice from the door, cutting me off before I could even truly begin.

Both Alexander and I snap our gazes to the door to see the one and only Sarah Mclane.

AN: I'm so dramatic 😂. I have so many readers from all around the world! It's so amazing to see. I'm probably gonna come up with more questions to ask you all but right now I'm so hungry 😐. Please remember to:


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