Meeting fans

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(Y/n) POV
As me and Sean were drinking our coffee I remember that I needed more milk.

"Hey Sean I just remembered that I need to go out and grab some milk." I say while getting up.

"Alright I'll come with you." He said while getting up as well. And so we both Andes up going to the store.

On our way back from the store we saw a group of girls chatting and laughing. That's when I realized that they were the girls I went to school with. The girls thy bullied me.

"Hey your (y/n) right?" One of the girls said.
"I remember you."
"Ya your that loser who was always by herself." Another said.

Then they all started laughing. I stayed silent. I held back all my tears that wanted to come out. I needed to show them that I'm not the loser I was.

"Ya I am the loser. And I see that your all still the same sluts you wear back then two." I say while smiling.

Their laughing stopped. They gave me death glares. That's when one slapped me.

Sean's POV
As (y/n) called them sluts she smiled. I was surprised that she stuck up for herself not many. Girls do that. Then o saw that one of the girls had slapped (y/n). That really losses me off.

This was when one of the girls noticed who I was.

"Omg your jacksepticeye!!" One said
"Yeah! I love your channel!" The girl that slapped (y/n) said.

They started to hang all over me. It was really gross. I was really starting to get ticked off. First they were bitches to (y/n) and now they are acting all sweet to me like nothing fuckin happened.

"Get off of me." I said with a strict voice. 

"Why??" They said
"Look I appreciate you being a fan but you slapped one of my friends so if you'd excuse me." I said  as I grabbed (y/n) hand and we continued walking back to her house with the Bags in hand. 

My Irishman(jacksepticeyexreader)Where stories live. Discover now