Chapter two

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I read all, my new messages, texts, and emails. Nothing new. I growl and click on tumblr, spending a few hours just endlessly scrolling.

I yawn and look over at my clock, 6:46. I walk over to my bed, 148 new messages. I put the phone in my pocket, probably Kayla fangirling about her tv shows and shit. I make my way downstairs and grab some bread and Nutella. I slap some Nutella on a slice of bread. I take a bite and sit down, eating it slowly.

Once I was done I decided to call kayla, just to see what the fuss was about.

No answer

'I'll try again' I thought and put the phone back up to my ear

No answer

I decide to call Oliver. I just need to talk to someone.

No answer

I roll my eyes and look at the hundreds of texts I got from Kayla

*the next 100 Is basically just my name*
Anna Oliver is in the hospital. Please pick up

My eyes widen as I shove my phone into my pocket, grabbing a
Coat And ran out the door. I hopped on my bike and tried remembering the way to the hospital, it would be about a 15 minute ride

I get to the front desk "I'm here to see Oliver maxwell? I'm his girlfriend." I say frantically. She looks up at me and nods "room 334" I nodded as she hands me a wristband. I put it on and ran down the hall, looking at the room numbers

315, 328, 331...

'334!' I ran in to see Oliver's parents, and Oliver himself lying unconscious on the medical bed

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