Chatroom #1

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Jyuu: Hello...?

(U/n): Heyo! I've never seen you around, are you new?

Jyuu: Yes.

(U/n): Quiet, aren't we? Are you shy? Don't worry, I don't bite! (unless you insult my anime husbands then I swear I will bite you until you bleed your a** off.)

Jyuu: 0-0

Jyuu: I see you're pretty... Aggressive.

(U/n): Hell yeah I'm pretty. *hairflips*

Jyuu: So, how old are you? I see you're a... Girl? Am I right?

(U/n): dID YOU JUST ASSUME MY GENDER!!1!1!!11!!!1


Jyuu: I'm sorry

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Jyuu: I'm sorry..?

(U/n): lol I was jk (just kidding), ya I'm a girl.

Jyuu: Oh, so what's your name?

(U/n): Just call me (U/n), how about you?

Jyuu: Nice to meet you, (U/n). You can call me Jyuu.

(U/n): That's a cute name! By the way, do you like cats? Because your icon is a picture of a cat.

Jyuu: That's Elise 2nd, the most amazing creature on Earth ❤ and yes, I adore cats, they're such beautiful creatures!

(U/n): Elise 2nd? Her name is fancier than my life lol. And awwwwww, you're so cute!

Jyuu: Huh?!

(U/n): The way you were talking about your cat was adorable!

Jumin felt his cheeks heat up, nobody's really called him cute before. Everyone thinks he is overly mature and boring. Just being complimented felt so nice, even if it was from a stranger.

Jyuu: Thank you.

(U/n): You're way too formal. Say, how old are you?

Jyuu: I am 17.

(U/n): Really? Same here! Maybe you go to my highschool! Do you live in S. Korea or abroad?

Jyuu: I do live in South Korea, but I will not tell you which highschool I go to even if we went to the same school. It'd be better like that.

(U/n): You're no fun! We could hang out!

Jyuu: ... That's what everyone says, I'm no fun...

(Y/n) could actually feel the pain in his words, although he seemed to try to hide it. It was just crystal-clear in her eyes. She felt bad, because she didn't mean it that way. Deep down inside, she felt very familiar with him, although they just met. Which made her wonder if she knew him from somewhere.

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