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Morgan    India        Noble

Alicia        Tiana        Aleale

Morgan-wants to be a writer, always writing ideas down from conversations( always has a pen and a notepad) powerful speaker

Alicia- Uptight, Sarcastic, slightly nasty attitude

India- Happy, Optimistic ( Best Friends with Morgan)

Tiana- Prissy, does her nails the whole time

Noble- Quite, Seldom speaks, wise temperament

Aleale- Open minded, but doesn't take any mess

SET:    Couch and some chairs. Maybe a couple of small tables to create the feel of a den.

ALEALE: You know I don´t get this whole light-skinned vs. dark-skinned thing. Like, what´s the big deal? Either way it goes we´re all black.

ALICIA:Easy for you to say.  You’re mixed. You’ve never been discriminated against.( Rolls Eyes)

INDIA:Don’t you think that’s a little backwards. She’s not accepted by any side. The black people think you’re too white. The white people think you’re too black. Ooh, You should start a club.  The mixed club where every interracial is accepted. Enough love to go around.

MORGAN: See , even that is kind of tricky ‘cos Aleale you just look straight black to me. What is it you’re mixed with again.

ALEALE:____________ and ______________.

INDIA: Noo, it doesn't matter how they look. It's what's in their blood. From their parents.

MORGAN: Dang, you’re Daddy must be extra black and you’re Momma extra white.

TIANA:v( Chuckles) The blacker the berry the sweeter the juice.

ALEALE: Actually it’s the other way around.( To Morgan)

MORGAN: Hmmmm.


NOBLE: How come everytime there is a shampoo commercial they always use a white girl? Like we all use the same products. They act like we can’t.

(She pics up the remote and points it at the audience and pretends to change the channel and stops when she is satisfied.)

TIANA: You know, I’ve always wondered that too? Maybe it’s because our hair is too complicated.

ALEALE: Our hair?

ALICIA: Yeah,  black people. You ever notice our hair is the only hair with this much versatility?

MORGAN:(Looking at all the hairstyles in the room.)That would be a great topic for one of my articles. I could talk about how our hair sets us apart from the rest of society. Oh my gosh yes. ( She writes something down in her notepad.)

NOBLE: What other race do you know that has beautiful curly wooly hair.

ALICIA: Or just straight ol’ nigga hair.

Tiana reacts to Alicia’s emphasis on the N word

ALEALE: Or who can get braids.

INDIA: Or who can glue tracks in their hair. Yeah, come to think of it I have never heard of a caucasian person gluing any type of hair into their head.

NOBLE: You know what? ( she stands up with a thought in her head) I actually think there is a certain brand that is predominantly for the black race. The little one with that has olive oil in about everything...What is it?  Ols , Orls,, Ors. ORS.There should be more advertisements something. Our products should be out there.  

Morgan makes an uncomfortable face

ALICIA: That’s the problem right there. We don’t have enough of us out there. We should promote more, get more people involved instead of sitting back and letting the white man take over.

MORGAN: Here we go..

INDIA: Alicia, you look white. How can you hate them so much? ( or “ Don’t you have white people in your family?)

ALICIA: I’m just saying they’re everywhere. Everywhere. We need to build our  Black Community back up again. Let’s not forget what happened in Tulsa, Oklahoma  June 1,1921. The Black Wall Street.Bombed. And for what? Being Black and successful?

ALEALE & TIANA:(singing) You dropped a bomb on me

NOBLE: Hidden Colors

ALICIA: And what do you mean “here we go”?

MORGAN: “ Here we go” as in your talking about the “ white man”. You don’t have to hate the white race to be Pro-Black, Alicia.

TIANA: I agree with Morgan. It just isn’t right.

NOBLE: Yeah ,you don’t have to be anti-white to be Pro-Black ( Nods head in agreement). I guess history does repeat itself. Look, Alicia with the way you’re carrying on it’s equivalent to the caucasians back in slavery.THey thought they were better than everyone just because they were white, or they were jealous of us: Our fill lips, curvy bodies, our men’s broad shoulders and strong arms; and tried to blind us of our beauty by abasing us. Beating us down treating us like dirt because the knew our worth and only hoped that we wouldn’t.

MORGAN:Hopefully you’re not the latter in any shape, form, or fashion.

ALICIA:What’s that supposed to mean?( offended)

TIANA: It means-

ALEALE: That you guys should stop arguing. Come one, we’re all family here. Theoretically speaking.

ALICIA: Of course you think that, Morgan. You’re so caught up in your Mr. White Man  you’ll defend him any way you can. But you just wait. You’ll come running back when he breaks you little black heart.

MORGAN: Fist off, I said that because I don’t think racism or anti any race is right. Our ancestors didn’t like their oppression and neither do we now. So why should we do the same to anyone else?And second of all, I’m with Mark because he makes me smile, and he respects me. Not because he is white. So how about next time make sure your thought line up with the truth before you be so quick to judge someone.

ALICIA: You know what? I am so sick of your self -righteous self.

MORGAN:Oh, so i’m self -righteous because I spoke the truth? Or because I told you something you didn’t want to hear?

INDIA:Ok guys how about we stop this before it goes too far.

ALEALE:I think it’s a little too late for that.She just got told.

TIANA: Aleale!

ALEALE: Tiana!

ALICIA: Both( gets in Morgan’s face) What you don’t have anything to say now that I can actually do something about that mouth of yours.

MORGAN:(chuckles) Alicia, get out of my face.I don’t fight with my fists. Though, I’m not afraid to knock you out. I fight with words, It’s much more effective. Where as a punch only lasts for a few seconds and a bruise a few weeks later. Words last forever. Because I promise you , you will never forget what I say to you. ( Walks off stage)

INDIA: Dang, She’s right.

ALICIA: (looks at everyone embarrassed and then runs off stage ,opposite side of Morgan)

NOBLE: You guys do know that Morgan is Pro-Black right?

TIANA: And she’s dating a white guy? (Pauses) Heeeeeyyyyyy!

ALEALE: Does anyone have some food? Someone go pop some popcorn or something.Noble, will you change the channel? Lifetime, Hallmark, BET. Something. I need some drama. Oooh, see if Empire or Power is on.

(They all turn to the audience as Noble picks up the remote and flicks buttons. Aleale spots Empire.

ALEALE: Ooh,.Empire. Girl stop there. I haven’t seen this episode.

                            Written By: Bobi Maryah

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