Breathing but not seeing

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Ceria's POV

Black. Black. Black. That's all I saw everyday of my life. Every second, minute, hour, day, year. And it's all I'll ever see. But thanks to some special help, I've been able to do things most blind people can't do. Like cooking, reading music, playing instruments; it all took awhile, but to me, it was worth it. I grabbed my guitar out of it's case setting it down in my lap, then made sure the strings were in tune. All I knew, was I was in a park that the Special Cares Center brought me to. I believe I was wearing my red skinnies, blue long converse, and a black and white Sleeping With Sirens t-shirt. After tuning, a lined my hands up with the right strings and began.

Honey why are you calling me so late?

It's kinda hard to talk right know.

Honey why are you crying is every, thing OK?

I gotta whisper cause I can't be too loud.

Well, my girls in, the next room

Sometimes I wish she was you.

I guess we never really moved on.

It's really good to hear your voice saying my name

It sounds so sweet

Coming from the lips of an angel

Hearing those words it makes me weak

And I, never want to say goodbye,

But girl you make it hard to be faithful

With the lips of an angel.

It's funny that your calling me, tonight

And yes I dreamt of you too.

Does he know that your talking to me

Will It start a fight?

No I don't think she has a clue.

Well, my girls in, the next room

Sometimes I wish she was you.

I guess we never really moved on.

It's really good to hear your voice saying my name

It sounds so sweet

Coming from the lips of an angel

Hearing those words it makes me weak.

And I, never want to say goodbye,

But girl you make it hard to be faithful

With the lips of an angel.

It's really good to hear your voice, saying my name

it sounds so sweet.

Coming from the lips of an angel

Hearing those words it makes me week

And I, never want to say goodbye,

But girl you make it hard to be faithful,

With the lips of an angel.

And I, never want to say goodbye,

But girl you make it hard to be faithful,

With the lips of an angel.

Honey why are you calling me, so late?

When I finished, I heard applause. The sound of crinkling money was thrown my way, making a soft sound as it went into the guitar case. I muttered a quick thanks until the sound died down into nothing. As I clicked the case closed with the guitar inside of it, a slow, loud clapping was heard. About.......five people? My mind guessed without a second thought.

" Here." one of them said in a Doncaster accent. I didn't respond since I didn't know where he was.

" Are you gonna take it or not? " A different one said, sounding frustrated.

" Where are you?" I finally replied.

" Like five feet away from you in a diagonal line. Why?" the Doncaster one said.

" Could you put it in my hand?"

" No!" I flinched back expecting a hard slap to come across my face, but it never did. I picked up the case and called out.

" Becky! Vicky! I'm ready to go home!" no response. Great, they left me alone, again. I've reported them many times, but no one seems to listen, since I'm the only blind person at the center. The funny thing was, since I couldn't see anymore, I focused more on hearing. That way I could play sports just by listening. Of course I got hit, a lot and bumped into others, a lot. But that didn't matter, as long as I could play. An angry huff escaped my mouth as I started to walk down the sidewalk cautiously.

" HEY! Wait up!" I nearly jumped out of my skin when the five guys ran up behind me, knocking me over in the process. " Oops, sorry." I got up and bumped into a pole.

" Damnt." I muttered. " Leave me alone will ya?"

" Are you British?"

" No, I'm from Donegal."

" OO! Irish!" said a boy in a strong Irish accent. I rolled my eyes. They must be ten and eleven years old, somewhere around that at least. When I was sure I had reached the right building, I took out my key and card. The card slid into the right slot smoothly, then went into my back pocket as I walked through the door. Walking to my room, I heard the footsteps continuing to advance after me. My hand kept missing the key slot to my room, as usual. A hand grabbed mind and helped put it into the slot.

" You must be half blind or something." chuckled someone with a Bradford accent. I screamed out with rage ringing through every echo. Dead silence. " Are you-"

" NO! I'M NOT OK FUCK DAMNT! " I could hear someone choking on food or water, how'd they.....? My breathing started quicken, and the noise of panicking nurses filled my ears.

" Ceria, calm down!"

" I won't with you yelling in my fucking ear! IMIGH SA DIABHOL RAICLEACH!! " ( Irish meaning: Go to hell bitch. ) my voice pounded in my ears. I felt myself being lifted up and set down on a bed.

" Sorry sirs, you'll have to leave."

" Bu-"

" FAG!" ( Irish meaning: Leave.) feet scuffed down the hall, and the door closed.

That night after dinner, I walked up to my room with Kenzie; my blind seeing eye dog. She was a black and white husky, or so I was told. She led me to the right room and up the stairs carefully, only making me trip over four stairs. Laying in my bed, in the dark, I started to dream. But all I kept seeing, was stunning green eyes, curly hair, and dimples.

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