I need you

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           oh my gosh  I just punched the love of my life I felt horrible as i walked to the nurse Spencer came out carrying Emily I asked what wrong with her she's in coma now how because of you Aria socked her where you did to as I see blood gushing from Emily's eye Aria and Hannah came running out behind Spencer "FUCK OFF BITCH!", Aria said as people rushed into the halls  they started gasping and looking at me because I have bloody knuckles and a bloody wrist I ran to the nurses office and Spencer  was running along with the others were running out of time Spencer , I said no really Aria and Hannah  said I'm sorry Emily ---STOP EMILY IS IN THIS CONDITION BECAUSE OF YOU ALISON SO JUST BACK OFF.Spencer said full out blast running starting to cry again Aria stops and socked me again .I ran after Spencer carrying Emily the nurse asked what happened Spencer said she's in a coma as I fall to the ground call the ambulance now the nurse shouted what are their names Emily Fields and Alison Dilaurentis.  After a few hours I wake up and I'm released  I asked the doctor about Emily they  said she's in a coma and don't know if she will wake up I walk out and I apologize  to the girls and ask to see Emily Spencer said you broke her go make it quick .

The first thing I said to Emily was Em I'm sorry your here because of me and I might have just killed you I broke you , but if you can  hear me stay strong I need you here Spencer is out there baling her eyes out so is Aria and Hannah Is to we need you here your mom and dad came from Texas to see you Emily we all need you I need you Spencer needs you Aria needs you Hannah needs you Your mom needs you your dad needs you Em please  wake up suddenly Emily grabs my hand I yell guys get in here now everyone came in as Emily  said I love you guys thanks Ali .wait what because of what you said I wanted to wake up and I did . Everyone looked at me  and said thank you I said the same thing you all would've  said obviously not  we alk came in here to talk to Emily her mom said .Emily said Ali was the one I was waiting to  hear from She  grabbed my hand and with the other one she motioned me to lean in she said I may or may not like I smiled and looked at her as she smiled at me after Spencer asked me what Emily said she said don't tell anyone at all except Hannah , Aria, and Spencer okay  okay I muttered  back shouldn't your mom and da know she said not yet.

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