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Okay so, guys! I was in a skype call with JDKAosrs (buddy) and GarmauLove (pink) and we were playing minecraft. I had a bowl of watermelon that I was eating and I just started mushing it. So yeh watermelon soup but that's a different story. So there was this oatmeal packet sitting on the table, and I mean one random packet, no box, no nothing. Just one packet. So I grab here said packet at just wave it around in the webcam, and Pink was like what did you do that for. So I explained the oatmeal packets randomness and she was like guuuuuurl that is my oatmeal. So I write pinks oatmeal do not eat on the random little packet. Pink then says sign it so i do. So now I've got a random little oatmeal packet with writing on it. So this happened idk maybe 2 months ago and I'm just remembering this. Uhm guess what? I can't find the packet!!! So anyway later this week I'm going to search my house for it. Anyway don't eat pinks oatmeal and bye!!!!!

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