Chapter 12 - 13

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Chapter 12

Later in Cheryl’s dressing room….

“Well you’ve just f*cked up royally haven’t you!” Raj said angrily.

“I don’t give a sh*t what you think!” Cheryl bit back.

“Well you’ve just kissed goodbye to your career in America! You’ve probably just put the final nail in the coffin for Girls Aloud as well. It’s not just your career you’ve messed up, it’s Sarah’s, Nadine’s and Nicola’s as well……not to mention your girlfriend’scareer!”

“The girls all knew about me and Kimberley, they don’t have a problem with it!” Cheryl said.

“They might not have a problem with you and Kimberley banging each others brains out but they’re probably not too happy about you announcing it to the world on live television!”

He shot Cheryl a disgusted look and stormed out of the dressing room slamming the door behind him. Cheryl turned to face Hillary.

“Hillary….Have I just made a huge mistake?” Cheryl asked, tears welling in her eyes.

Hillary walked over to Cheryl and put her arm around her “I don’t know love. I wish you’d told me what you were planning to do. I don’t know what will happen. We’ll have to monitor what’s being said on the forums and in the press to see if we can gauge whether it will be a positive or negative reaction from the public”.

“But the audience here were great, they stood up and applauded what I said, surely that’s a good sign?” Cheryl said optimistically.

“Yes that was a good reaction, but we can’t base the entire nations reaction on a hundred or so people sitting in the audience, we will just have to wait and see” Hillary replied.

“I don’t care about my solo stuff, I’m just scared that I’ve totally messed it all up for the girls, I didn‘t think Hillary! Oh God, what if I‘ve just caused trouble for the band?”.


Cheryl left the TV studio and was greeted by a swarm of paparazzi and reporters. They were all shouting questions at her about Kimberley. Cheryl just ignored them and got into the back of her chauffeur driven car. Cheryl instructed the driver to take her to Kimberley’s apartment. As she sat in the car, she tried calling Kimberley to let her know she was on her way. The phone rang for a few seconds and then switched to voicemail. 

Cheryl hung up and tried again, the call went straight to voicemail. She wondered why Kimberley wasn’t answering and Cheryl started to get worried.

The car pulled into the entrance of the apartment complex and continued down the driveway towards the apartment block, leaving the pursuing trail of paparazzi behind at the security gates.

Cheryl got out of the car and used the key Kimberley had given her to enter the building.

She went upstairs and opened the door to Kimberley’s apartment and walked in. As she walked into the living room she felt something crunch under her shoe. She looked down to see a piece of broken plastic from Kimberley’s mobile phone which was lying in pieces on the floor. 

She looked around the room and noticed a smashed glass and a small pool of wine on the wooden floor by the sofa but Kimberley wasn’t in sight.

“Oh no, this isn’t good” Cheryl said quietly to herself. 

She walked down the hallway leading to Kimberley’s bedroom and gently pushed the door open. Kimberley was sitting on the side of the bed looking at the floor.

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