Finally mine

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Okay so we are outside the house. Prince was bout to open the door but I stopped him.

Adri-Wait !


Adri-I dnt wanna tlk to them okay I'm not ready .

Prince-It's okay I got yu

Prince turned the door knob and walked in the house everybody was in the kitchen.He put me down and I went behind him and held onto his waist and we walked in the kitchen together

Prince-*clears throat*

Everyone turns around and look at us

Ray- Wassup man

Mom-Where is Adri

Prince-Behind me

Mom-Well Adri stop hidin behind the boy

Adri-*Whispers to Prince* Can yu pick me up again..Plz *starts crying again*

Prince turned around and picked me up.I buried my face in his neck and cried harder.Then he turned back around so everyone could see me.

Mom:Oh my gosh my baby !! *gets out of chair so prince can sit*

Ray:Wtf happen !?!?

Mom:Prince so god help me ! If yu hurt my daughter I-GCO

Prince:Woah I didn't do this

Kayla:Then who tf did !?


Everybody:WTF HAPPENED !?!?

Prince:*Tlking to Adri* Babygirl I knw yu dnt wanna tlk but yu gotta tell them wat happened..then yu can get cleaned up okay?


Ray:*Mad* From beginning to end

Adri:Okay so here's wat happen.....

(Wiggly sound)

Diggy:How bout we go back to my place ?

Adri:I dnt knowwwww

Diggy:Cone on it'll be fine

Adri:Mhmmm.... Alrite ! Lets go! *smiling*


Adri:Nice place you got here *looking around*

Diggy:Why thank you how bout you go upstairs and I'll be there in a min

Adri: Alrite !


I walked upstairs to a room that says Diggy on the door. I opened the door nd I seen a black kingsize bed and couches there was a light hanging from the ceiling I sat down on the bed and Diggy came in with a ..... whip ? Mhmmm...?

Adri:What are you doing

Diggy:*slaps her*

Adri:*shocked* d-did you s-slap me !?

Diggy:Yah bitch wat you gonna do

Adri:*punches him*

Diggy:Oh hell nawwww !

Adri:Yah I did that

Diggy:*starts beating her everywhere with the whip and stomping her*

Adri:*crying* Ouch ! S-st-top ! I-I'm s-sorry !!!! *crys harder*

Diggy:*stops* Undress

Adri:W-what no Diggy you somt wanna do this do yu ?

Diggy:I do undress NOW !!!!!!!

Adri:No plz! *crys*

Diggy:Okay hard way then


Diggy pushed Adriana on the bed and ripped off her clothes. Adriana kicked and screamed for him to stop but that just gave him more strength


Adri:*crying* Why me !?!? Stop plz I'm begging you !!!

My kicking and screaming wasn't working. He started to kiss me roughly and when I didn't kiss back he slapped me....hard. Then he pulled down his pants then underwear. Guys I'm a virgin and I'm bout to get it takin away from rape.

Adri:Plz no I'm still a virgin!!!!

Diggy:*smirks* This is gonna be even better

Then.. he rammed himself into me it hurt so bad !!! He was moaning and I was crying this is not how I imagined my first time I didn't want it to be rape this doesn't feel good. Then blood came out and spilled on the sheets...

Diggy:*mad* Your messing up my damn sheets!!!!! Gtfo out my house !!!

I got up slowly to get my cloths but it was hard to walk

Diggy:FASTER !!!!

Adri:*crying* I can't go any got dang faster !!!!!!

Diggy grabbed all my stuff picked me up and threw me outside I had no clothes on. I just put on my jacket and underwear I had no strength. I picked up phone and called the only person I wanted to talk to...... Prince. Shaking I picked up my phone and called him.




Prince:Wat Adri

Adri:Help ! *breaks down crying*

Prince:*running down the stair*Adri stay put I'm on my way



Boys:Im gonna kill his ahh !!

Mom:Not tonite boys I think we all need some rest


Nicki:Come on Adri we will help yu get washed up

Prince carried me upstairs and the girls followed he layed me on the bed kissed my forehead and walked out

Mya:Come on Adri we'll help you walk in the bathroom

I stood up and they put my arms on the shoulders and walked my in the bathroom.They sat me on the counter and ran some warm water in the tub.
Once the water got warm the took off my jacket and underwear nd put me in the tub.

Adri:Oww !

Kayla:Wat ??

Adri:This water burns the cuts

Mya:Im srry girl but here is the soap take yur time and call us when your done.



Adri:Im done !


They took me out the tub dried me off and put me on some shorts and a tank top and laid me under my covers.



Adri:Thnk yu

Mya:*Smiles* Aww yur welcome hunny

Adri:Can y'all tell Prince to come in here ?

Girls:Sure *walks out*


So I'm sitting here in juss my shorts which is normal for me and I'm on instagram. Then, Mya, Nicki,and Kayla walked in.


Prince:Wassup ?

Mya:Adri wants yu


I got up and knocked on Adri door

Adri:Come in

I walked in and sat at the bottom of her bed


Adri:Hey Umm...I juss wanted to say thank you and you were rite

Prince:Your welcome.... you knw I didn't mean wat I said to yu...I love yu too much

Adri:Y-you do ?


Adri:I love you too

Then, she kissed me ! it was like a whole bunch of fire works...It felt....good

Adri:*pulls back and giggles*

Prince:*chuckles* Good night

I was bout to walk out and turn out the lights.

Adri:Wait !

Prince:Yah ?

Adri:Stay.. Plz...

Prince:Of course

I closed the door, turned out the lights , and got under the blanket with her.


Adri:Yes ?

Prince:I knw you've jus been hurt but if yu give me the chance I will treat you like the queen yu are so..... Will you be mine and can I be yours ?

Adri:*tearing up* Yes Prince Yes !

Prince:I love you

Adri:I love you too....Prince

Prince:Yes ?

Adri:Will you hold me


I wrapped my arms around her waist and she turned around and wrapped her legs around my waist.She buried her head in my neck and we stayed that way the whole night. She's finally mine.


Isn't Prince sweet ! Till next time !

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