open letter to a dying friend

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Or rather one who wishes they were

by the way im not gonna punctuate or edit this at all i just want to have it in here the way i originally wrote it to her

you are lovely and sweet and even if on the outside you are faded and scarred behind the frail skin that holds your bones together and forces you forward every day in what may seem like a meaningless scramble toward that soft darkness that will one day eternally craddle you is a mind and though it may be tarnished and decaying at a rate too quickly for you to comprehend and far too slow for you to stand what is left of it is iridescent and sure a brain is just electrical impulses being passed through flesh and yes if the universe is truely infinite there is an exact copy of you out there that will keep on living for you no matter what but that doesnt matter because youre the only you that i will ever meet the only you that ill ever be able to talk to when im suffocating in the brightness of the people around me and when you think that you dont matter and that you can hurt yourself and leave just know that you will be taking something important and that even if most woulnt care as long as one person does you have to live on for them people dont understand you because youre living in a world of people who are one colour and even though their colour may change constantly none of them are like you none of them are iridescent even when you are ink black or the palest of greys you still manage to be an infinite amount of colours a million pinpricks of light not enought to blind or to ever hurt another just remember when things get too bright or are too dark that you are iridecent

my brain is fucked up so i'm making a shitty book that you don't want to readWhere stories live. Discover now