I Think I might Like Him

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The feelings that were coursing through Drift's Spark through the past few days was not a feeling the ex-con was used to feeling. It was a fluttery- I feel sick and shaky. And of course the only time that he ever got this feeling was when he was around Rodimus, yes that Rodimus- Captain of the Lost Light.

He didn't understand this feeling and that is what him feel the most uncomfortable...he is Rodimus's TIC he should be able to be AROUND his leader and not feel strange about it. To make things worse, he was 90% sure that the fearless leader had caught on that something was- strange- with the mech.

At first Drift's attempts at burying these feelings for Rodimus Prime was to meditate- for hours on end in his quarters although then again that usually resulted in him being pulled out of that very spot by a number of bots but most occasionally Rodimus himself. Eventually the bot had come to terms that he just needed to a break and get loose for a few- considering it had been a while since he was even able to just relax without the mech on his mind.

So he wandered down the hallways of the Lost Light towards Swerve's Bar where he knew some of his friends most likely were. Well he had assumed they are friends though his brain had always told him that they are just being nice to him out of pity or some other thing- not because they genuinely like him- no that is definitely not it. Who would like him? "A con gone rogue"

As he walked into the bar he saw that he was right- Rewind, Chromedome, Tailgate those three were in there and it seemed but their rowdiness that they were both drunk and trying to cheer Tailgate on about getting Cyclonus down to join them in the Bar- so far it looked like the bot whom they so desperately wanted to join them has no patients to be with them at the moment. That is when he located Perceptor, just sitting there, alone. So he decided to sit by his good friend. He was about to say hi until Swerve walked right up.

"Dirft! I hardly ever see ya' in here- how 'bout I get you a drink on th' house!" the bot offered

Dirft smiled at that and nodded,"Yes, that would be lovely- thank you Swerve." He smile mumbling it and putting on one of his warm smiles- one of his warm smiles that were never really real.

"Evening Drift." Perceptor mumbled- he himself had already had a drink in his servos about half gone at this point.

"Evening Percy- what you doing down here?" He questioned- yes he knew that he was walking on thin ice when asking why Perceptor is in a any place- usually the bot would get offended and say something like 'I don't just live in my lab- I have a live too.'

"I thought I would take a break-" He says in return seeming to not be in a mood to lecture Drift about the nickname or the questioning. "I could ask you the same thing."

"And I could say the same thing. I just needed A break from things."

*****A few drinks later*****

Drift and Perceptor had not planned on drinking as much as they did and even then their systems were not used to the consumption of high grade energon so they became rather tipsy very quickly. Although they weren't quite the type to get quite rambunctious of course the coooould happen but neither of them were in the right mindset in order for that to happen.

Instead they ended up as one very emotional Drift and a very concerned Perceptor.

Drift held his head in his hands already wanting to cry now that he was so loose he was actually allowing himself to explore these feelings he had been feeling for Rodimus- and of course Perceptor picked up that there was something going on with Drift immediately even if he was intoxicated..

"Hey Drift buddy-y' want t' tell me what is wrong." Still he was able to put together rather coherent sentences- just the percy everyone knows.

"I don't...I don't know P-percy-" He mumbles.

"I know something i-is up. Jus' tell me- I am your friend for a reason...right?" Perceptor pushed leaning on the table and resting his head in his hand he looked at the other bot with a serious gaze.

"I-....it's about Rodimus-...." he starts covering his face.

"Is he giving you trouble- I swear that he just irritates t-h' hell outta me-" He starts getting a little red

"No....I think I might like him..."  


Notes: Thank you so much for reading and I hope you like it so far- there will be  a part 2 soon and I don't know if it will go any longer than that- It wont take me long to get the next piece up- so be waiting! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2016 ⏰

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