Not a Toy

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                                                                            Not a Toy

                                                                            Chapter 1

         “Happy birthday, Kyle!”

          With a groan, I roll over and bury my face in a pillow. “It’s not my birthday until 9:00 a.m., mom.”

           “Yes it is! Birthday presents in bed are a Giles family tradition!”

           Before I can protest further, my mother thrusts the door open with surprising force.

          “No.” I whine. “Please, just give me five more minutes. I beg of you.”

           “Oh, hush.” She plops down on my bed, smiling so widely that wrinkles appear on her forehead. “I can’t believe my baby boy is thirteen years old! It’s gone by so fast.” With a sniffle, the woman hands me a brightly wrapped box.

           I pull myself into a sitting position and reach for my gift. Giving my mom a little smile, I rip open the container. “Wow, a new Nintendo. Nice job, mama. How did you know I wanted one?”

           She winks. “A mother has her ways. Rachael! Jonathon! Get in here. It’s your brother’s special day!”

           Moments later, a cranky teenage girl stumbles into the room. “This couldn’t have waited until the sun got up?”

           “That’s what I said.” I reply.

           “Good morning, Rachael.” Mom pulls her into a hug. “Why don’t you wish your little brother a happy birthday?”

           My sister’s electric blue eyes narrow at me. “Happy Birthday, Ky. Nice to see you survived another year. I was skeptical for a little while.”

           I frown. “You’re surprised that I’m still alive? You’re the one who stays out all night drinki…”

           With a sickeningly sweet grin, Rach thrusts a giftwrapped package into my hands. “You better wear these. I spent almost twenty bucks on them.”

           Eyes never leaving my sister’s wicked gaze, I unwrap the present. “Oh.” I grimace. “Pants… These are… rad. Thanks.”

           As I stuff the plaid monstrosity back into its box, I look up to see a dark haired man step into my room.

           “Hey, Jon.” Heat creeps to my cheeks as my older brother’s eyes flick over my ensemble.

           “Nice pajamas, Ky.” He sneers. “Did Santa get those for you?”

           I pull the covers up over my penguin plagued pajamas. “First of all, I didn’t buy these for myself. You can blame mom for that. Second of all, they’re better than your white-ish underwear.”

           “Hey, when you’re sexy, you can get away with wearing anything.”

           Rachael snorts. “Then what’s your excuse, Jonny?”

           “Kids, that’s enough.” Mom crosses her slim arms over her chest. “Jonathon, you didn’t forget your brother’s gift, did you?”

Not a ToyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora