End of Senior Year

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"All good things must come to an end,"
Something that everyone has said.
This year has gone by way too fast,
Just wish that I had made it last.
All of my friends I am sure to miss,
As one last time,
We wait for that bell to dismiss....

This chapter is coming to a close,
So I have to let it go...
This year has been the best one ever,
I know I'll miss it around the bend.
I will miss the drama, I will miss these halls.
I will miss each student, and I will miss all of my teachers.
Though my senior year has reached the end,
The lessons I've learned here will never fade.

'Senioritis' has hit us one and all,
But we must keep those grades standing tall.
We will roam all these halls one last time,
As that final bell of high school chimes.
Making plans with all your friends,
So that our bonds will never end.

This chapter is coming to a close,
So I have to let it go...
This year has been the best one ever,
I know I'll miss it around the bend.
I will miss the drama, I will miss these halls.
I will miss each student, and I will miss all my teachers.
Though my senior year has reached the end,
The lessons I've learned here will never fade.

I know there is so much more to come,
So many people I have yet to meet.
There are so many things I have yet to try,
But I still don't want to say good bye.
I have to move forward with my path,
But all that has passed I won't forget.
This senior year is as the end.....

This is just another chapter at the close,
Now it is time to start letting go...
This year is one I know I won't forget,
I know I'll miss it all around the bend...
I know I'll miss the drama, and I know I'll miss all of these halls.
I know I will miss each student,
And I know I will miss every teacher.
My senior year may be at the end now,
But I know all that I learned here will never,
No it will not ever, ever,.....
Fade away.....

This was a song that is actually a sequel type thing to a song called Once Again that I wrote my freshman year, and ended the writing process on my senior year. I am now a freshman in college, and I always remember the different things I learned from my time in high school. I know we say we won't miss it when we leave, but I promise you will. Once Again was about the start of the year and falling back into routine, while End of Senior Year is about the end of the routine you know, and letting go of everything you've come to love/hate about high school. It is about the start of something more, the start of your life as an adult, your journey you start all on your own. I hope you enjoyed this song, I know it brought up so many memories for me to type it now after only a year, and I hope you felt the same reading this.

Lots of love,

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