Ten: 늘 그대는 누구보다 멋져 보여요

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Chapter Ten: 그대는 누구보다 멋져 보여요 (You Always Look Better Than Anyone)

"Good. Now I want you to lean in closer to her and put your hand on her waist, like you want to draw her in before you kiss her," the photographer directed from behind the camera while the flash went off again. "Put some tension in your arm. Imitate the muscle movement of drawing her in. I want to see your biceps flex, since you're wearing a sleeveless shirt."

"Good, good. Now I want this to really be sizzling, so Joy-ssi, please move in between his legs.. very good... Lean in with your chin on his shoulder... Nice, nice."

The flash kept going off with every photo they posed for, moving closer and closer. She could feel his lips nearer and nearer to her face as the photographer moved them into more intimate positions with every frame.

Currently, they were both facing each other front to front with her lying on his body while he was leaning back against a sofa. She could feel every hard muscle underneath the thin fabric of his shirt, and shifted subtly in attempt to not feel them so much. But it can't be helped. He had one arm leaning against the headboard while the other was in her hair. The photographer had made her tilt up her head to look into his eyes while he leaned into her lips, like a scene right before a kiss.

Thank God they're both professionals, or this would have been extremely awkward and embarrassing.

Suddenly, the tense atmosphere was shattered by the sound of a violent coughing fit and everyone's eyes immediately zoomed in on the culprit, only, he was too busy trying not to die from choking on his drink to pay any mind.

"Ya! Sungjaeya, neo gwaenchana?" Changsub appeared at Sungjae's side, just as violently hitting his back.

Shrugging his back to stop Changsub's powerful whacks, Sungjae continued coughing, half wheezing, in attempts to get the hot beverage down his throat. Worried about him, the staff brought him bottled water, in hopes that it would sooth him. His hacking finally ceased when he gulped down a few mouthfuls of the cool water.

Leaning one hand against the food table, Sungjae bent forward to try to breathe, while still staring at Joy's photoshoot which was still in session after the momentary interruption.

Noticing Sungjae's line of vision, Changsub smirked and leaned in to Sungjae.

"Not bad, eh? I knew that Joy was popular, but whoooo," Changsub whistled, "once this photoshoot goes out, she will be Hot Joy."

"Hyung, I didn't know that we had to do a sexy concept for this photoshoot!"

"Ah, we don't. Every group is given a different concept. Yours with Yeri and Ilhoon is the cutesy concept, since you three are the magnaes. And mine," Changsub gave a huge, uncontainable grin of pure bliss, "is with Irene. We're doing a new lovers concept with pastel colours." As he said those words, he comically spread his arms out to pretend wind in reminiscence of the famous scene from Titanic and started swaying to his own music.

Sungjae stared at Changsub, who can't seem to keep still because of his excitement. Under common circumstances, he would have laughed. Changsub has the most animated ways of expressing his feelings. Sungjae felt happy for his hyung. Really, he did. Changsub finally got his chance to work with his favourite Red Velvet member. But then...

He turned his focus back on the shoot and immediately felt his eyes widen. To his absolute horror, Hyunsik was unbuttoning his shirt to reveal his toned abs. He felt his jaw drop as the photographer directed Joy to put her hands on him.

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