Chapter XXII: Vikku Tales

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I don't think I can sleep. I've turned an insomniac overnight. I can feel the bed radiate heat as scathing as the sun burn into my body with Vikram lying right next to me, his breath making me hyper aware of his presence. I've shared my bed with Kabir at times- but this feels so different. In fact, I've never had someone snuggle me and sleep. His hands tighten their grip pulling me to him, encasing me like a child sleeps with a snuggly teddy.

I shift the slightest against his grip, to search for my mobile.

 "Where are you going?" He stirs awake, grumbling in his sleep.

"Nowhere..." I rest back in his arms, patting his hair, lulling him to sleep. 

 "Promise me something..." 


"Don't leave me. Ever." 

 I turn my head to look at a sleepy Vikram, his brows wrinkling into a furry line.

Why would I ever leave you Vikram...  

 "Twinky promise?" 

 "Twinky promise." I giggle and kiss his forehead. He just smiles in his sleep and snuggles closer into me and I fall blissfully asleep.


It was a lazy morning and a major part of it spent trying to break free of the death grip in which Vikram had captured me in. We woke up at 12, rather, he woke up at 12 and I at 10, but I lay there for two not so long hours, admiring him. There was so much depth to his face, his sideburns golden against the sun, his chiselled jaw...

"Stop day dreaming Megha"

"Yeah perfect. You won't even let me day dream. It's a free country, I can ogle you whenever I want..."
Ah-Oops. I should get a filter for myself close to some of these days.

"Yes, of course you can." He surprises me by pecking me lightly on my cheek before firing up the ignition.

After a long debate of when exactly we should leave for home, it's close to evening when he's driving us back. We just lay back the whole day, relaxing and watching movies with the incessant calls bugging both our mobiles. He cooked lunch for the both of us, we read his fan's tweets, we clicked innumerable candids of each other and he took out the good Polaroids and docked them in the photo frame beside that of his mother. But those of that girl still stayed.

I almost want to ask him who she is, but maybe right now is not the perfect time for it. What if we start fighting? I don't want to fight with a Greek God- when he can look edible in grey and white PJ's.

Is there nothing he can't look bad in?

"Music?" Vikram starts fumbling with the radio, multitasking driving- changing frequencies-looking at me and looking hot. The car fills with soft tunes of some soong and I lull off to sleep.

It is about eight at night when I finally reach home. Vikram leaves me at the gate of my building and walks off, and a pang of loneliness hits me. But more than that, I'm still tired and maybe a little ill. I sneeze a couple of times before I ring the doorbell.

"Who was that who dropped you?" Mom blocks the door, her arms crossed across her torso in a firm demand. 

Oh my. Mum-inquiry session.

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