Ran into him

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After I went home a cried myself to sleep I did a lot of thinking. I need to stand up for myself but I'm not that type of person to be mean or a bitch. I need to just go out and get some fresh air. I got up and put on some sweats and grabbed my phone and headphones and Put on my music before I told my mom and dad I was going on a walk and I'll be back later. As I was walking I was texting Lauren and she was telling me about what happen after i left and how she and courtney both have dentition. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going when I ran into a rock hard chest. I quickly took my headphones out "oh my gosh I'm so sorry please forgive I wasn't looking and I" i kept rambling on when i finally looked up into the most beautiful brown eyes ever "uhhh it's okay" Justin says looking down at me. "Sorry" I say trying to walk pass him quickly but before I walk away he grabbed my arm to stop me. "Look Robyn" he said scratching the back of his neck. I blushed because he actually know my name and didn't call me fatty. "Are you sure it's Robyn and not fatty?" I said trying to cover up from my blush. "all that stuff I say to you Robyn is so mean and I'm truly sorry for me and Courtney's behavior" he say looking me in my eyes. "I don't believe you but I accept your apology"
"How about I take you out? Just me and you?" "Oh umm I don't think courtney would like that" I say trying not to get nervous. "She doesn't have to know. I'll take out out of town to see a movie okay?" "Ohh uhh okay"
Oh my gosh why am I so nervous. "Here give me your phone" I gave him my iPhone 5s and he put his number in and called himself. "Okay I'll let you know when I'm free" he said waving at me. "Bye" I said continuing my walk. oh my gosh it just dawn on me that I have Justin number and he is actually being nice to me, taking me out.
I went home that night thinking, is this a set up or what? Should I trust him? One little thing he does wrong I'm out of there and I would hate him forever. if courtney finds out about it she would seriously be out to get me and this time not just dump a milk on my head. I'm so scared hopefully everything thing goes good.


I went to my locker trying to ignore all the stares and and giggles. I grabbed my books that I would need and made my way to my favorite teacher ever Mr.Rylan.
*knock knock*
"Come in Robyn, how are you?" He asked looking at me hard. I know he heard what happen to me yesterday because news travel fast even to the teachers. Plus he is a young good looking teacher so everyone gets along with him. "I'm okay I guess" I say looking down at my hands not wanting to make eye contact with him. " Robyn look at me" I looked up with teary eyes. " You can't eke letting things like this get to you sweetie, people like them have nothing better to do and have their own insecurities" I nodded my head "I know but it hurts, it feels like the whole school have something out for me. like they all hate me for some reason. I thought I would at least be use to it now since it's been going on for so long but I guess not"

"Robyn know one should have to get use to things like this, bovine deserves to be bullied certainly not you"
"Bye Mr.Rylan" I said waving and making my way to first period praying hell won't take place. I walk in right when the bell rings and I hear people start to giggle I hurry and take my seat and put my head down. "are you okay?" Jake say looking at me trying to read me. "I'm fine" I say in a low whisper trying not to cry. Okay he say walking away to his seat. I pull out all the stuff to finish me and Lauren project. "Robyn come work with us" justin say on the other side of the class. everyone let there jaws drop to the floor including me. "I'm uh-uhh okay, thank you though" "no come on your all alone" I sat there for a minute and finally deciding to get up and work with them. I look around at all four boys and decided to take a seat next to jake. it was an awkward silence until Philipe cleared it. "What you working on?" I look over at him and then down at my project reading the heading "your not alone" I say in a duhh tone. "oh nice, so Robyn listen we should probably push all this mess aside and get to know each other" Philipe says and the rest of the boys nod. "oh okay, that would be nice" "okay so how about today after school?" "I'll have to ask my mom but yea cool" I say. "Here's my address and number be there by 5" Ryan says I take the paper and put it in my pocket and finish the project. I kinda don't have a good feeling about this but let's just hope that this feeling is wrong.

"Mom?" I yell making my way to the kitchen "stop yelling honey what is it?" She was sitting at the bar section with her reading glasses on. she must be working on another case she's a lawyer. "can I go out to a friends house?" She looked at me "what friend?" Think think think think "oh umm this new girl in town her name is Christina" "don't be out to late, you have to watch your sister tonight because I have a late night meeting and your dad is gone for a week!" "Okay mom I'll be back bye 9 the latest" I said kissing her cheek and left. I made my way to ryan house and that feeling just keep coming back. Maybe I should turn around and go home. No don't be a wimp just go and pick up Lauren then go to his house. I called Lauren "hey laur what are you doing?" "nothing getting dress" "okay good I'm on my way to your house to pick you up" "where are we going?" "To Ryan house don't ask questions I'll explain on the way" I went and picked Lauren up and told her everything. 10 minutes later we pulled up in Ryan drive way and we got out and stared in aww. he had a mansion. we walked up his driveway to the front door. something in my head keeps telling me to turn around.

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