2- The Girl With No Name

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The girls eyes opened, and she sat up, her expression confused and worried, as she looked around.

A cave, large, empty, with stone shelves carved into the walls. It was dark and damp. Bats slept soundly on the ceiling- a few shifting in their daytime slumbers. Spiders and insects crawled along the floor and the walls. Many of the spiders were small, but a few were large, with coloured backs and bodies as long as their legs. One of said large spiders, larger than the others, reaching over three foot in height and a burning, fiery orange seemed to be glowing from inside it, decided to move closer to the girl, closer and closer. This was when she realized that the monster had teeth, long, sharp, dagger like teeth. Froth dripped from the corner of it's spidery mouth, and burning, coal black eyes glared straight at her.

She snapped her dull eyes away from the creature. The girl froze and looked closer at her surroundings. She was wrong. It wasn't empty. Gods... are those skeletons?! Bones picked clean, there wasn't a single body that wasn't pure white. No body could rot as cleanly as that, she was sure.

"Hello..." A deep, alluring voice said from the shadows, causing the seemingly fire-filled spider to turn tail and run.

"....Good... morning?" The girl mumbled, looking at the source of the voice. Her voice echoed softly, and a broad shouldered, amber eyed and dark skinned man stepped forward. The girl shuddered.

"I found you unconscious on the path. You were pale and as cold as ice. I wasn't even sure if you were alive."

"I was attacked by wolves." She growled at him, motioning to the cuts that littered her mismatched, stitched up body. They were bloodless and black. The amber eyes man nodded once, staring at her with penetrating eyes. "...Do you have a name?"

"Kila." He said, with a bright toothy smile.

There was blood on his teeth and a tiny tiny scrap of flesh jammed between his teeth. The girl recoiled.

"Killer." She said, rising. The fire-bellied spider returned to her side, froth a poison dripping from it's mouth still. The amber eyed man laughed and the spider stepped towards him, it's fangs flashing in the half light.

"Oh, my, I'm so scared of an ickle, bickle spider!" He said, feigning fear. The girl rolled her dull eyes. Insolence. She thought to herself. Is this man really that much of an idiot?! Though, I guess I would not be sent on such a mission if he was.... She sighed quietly and petted the spider, as the man slowly advanced.

"I think..." He said slowly, "That it is time for your undeath to end."

The girl didn't even scream.

Is it really fair to call someone a killer for trying to live? Yes, they live like Hannibal, eating people, but is that really so wrong?

The girl's story seems short, but killing, or eating the undead is no easy feat. They will find a way to come back, some how, maybe.

You have no idea, really.

You're just insolent readers who never know anything.

Like all other mortals in the world. *ahem.

Sorry about that, my dears.

~Spiral, your god, your slave, and everything in between

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