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Naruto's POV

I opened my eyes to what seemed like a beautiful morning, the sun shining so bright. I got up from my bed and walked to my kitchen. Feeling hungry, I opened a pack of ramen and I ate happily. As I was eating, a big smile crossed my face. I remembered that just yesterday, my best friend finally decided to return to the hidden leaf village after running away. It was one of the best days of my life. I wanted to finish eating so that I could go pay him a quick visit, you know, catch up on things with him. I hurried and finished my food, then I got my jacket and rushed out of my house and headed towards Sasuke Uchiha's place.
It had been about five years that my best friend Sasuke hadn't been in the leaf village. Everyday he would always cross my mind. I just couldn't stand the fact that my best friend wasn't by my side anymore. I was depressed for those five whole years, training as hard as I could to get stronger. Strong enough to bring Sasuke back to the village. All of that hard work paid off at the end, because now he is by my side again. By all of our sides again.
Finally, I reach Sasuke's house and I knock on the door.
*Knock, knock."
"Who is it?" Sasuke says in a firm voice.
"It's me, Naruto." I say with a big smile on my face.
The door suddenly opens and there he is, a man that is about 5'7 with black hair and pale skin.
I reach my hand out, hoping that he would shake it. Sasuke then moves his hand towards mine. Thinking he is going to shake it, I give him a closed eyed smile, but instead, he brings his hand behind my neck and brings his other hand behind my neck as well. Shocked, I backed away slightly as it is a instant reflex that I have. I then notice that he pulls my body closer to his and he gives me a tight hug. My cheeks are now as red as a rose and my heart is pounding faster than usual. I finally get the nerve to hug him back.
"Why the hug?" I ask Sasuke.
"I just.. I just really missed you.." Sasuke replies with a scratchy voice.
"I missed you too Sasuke.." I reply.
Sasuke then allows me into his apartment and I walk in happily.
"Make yourself at home." Sasuke tells me.
I smile and thank him.
"Do you want something to drink?" He says.
"Oh um, a glass of water would be great, thanks!" I reply.
Sasuke then opens a cabinet and grabs a glass, he then opens the fridge and grabs out a gallon of water and pours it into the glass.
"Here you go." Sasuke says while handing me the water.
"Thanks again." I say to him.
I then notice something at the corner of my eye, and it's something that seems shiny. I focus on the shiny object and I notice that it is a Konoha head band that has a scratch across the metal plate. My eyes widen and a smile grows upon my face.
"What's up with that smile?" Sasuke asks.
"Oh's nothing." I reply.
Sasuke then walks over to the head band and grabs it off the table that it was laying on.
"It never came across my mind to throw this away.." Sasuke says.
"Why not?" I ask.
"Because it was... It was the only thing that reminded me so much about you..I couldn't just throw it away..." Sasuke replies.
My eyes widen. I then stand up and start walking towards Sasuke.
"W- What are you doing?" Sasuke says to me while backing up a bit.
I continue to walk to him and I push him against the wall behind him. I put both my hands next to his shoulders so it would be tough for him to escape.
"W-What's wrong Naruto? W-Why are you doing this!?" Sasuke asks with a concerned and blushed face.
I then look him in the eyes and a tear rolls down my face.
"Why'd you have to leave me Sasuke? I was so lonely without you.. I just couldn't stand the fact that you weren't here with me Sasuke!!" I say as tears roll down my face.
"Why did you care so much about me Naruto?.." Sasuke replies with watery eyes.
"Because Sasuke! I.. I!... " I blurt out.
"You what? You what Naruto!?" Sasuke raises his voice.
" I love you Sasuke! I always have!! And I probably always will!!" I raise my voice at Sasuke.
Both our eyes widen and we look directly at each other. Sasuke then puts his hands on both of my cheeks.
"I've always loved you too.." Sasuke says right before he tilts his head up and closes his eyes. Sasuke then tiptoes and starts moving his head towards mine. My heart starts to race, but I calm myself and close my eyes as well. I lean my head towards his and finally, our lips meet. The both of us blush uncontrollably as we start to kiss passionately. I think to myself "I've been waiting for this moment for so long.. after we first kissed by mistake, I just needed another one. I wanted another kiss from Sasuke!"
We finally stop for a breath and we look at each other. Both of us smiling, we kiss again.
"My day couldn't go any better." I think to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2014 ⏰

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