Chapter 6

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Your Pov

After Aaron left  I took a nap and didn't get up until like 6, which is ridiculous seeing as before I fell asleep I didn't even feel tired. And to be honest with you... I thought it was the next day, but it wasn't... laugh all you want! But I'm going to hang out with Aaron tomorrow, and I would absolutely kill myself if I missed it. Speaking of which... I need to be at his house tomorrow at 3... hummm... ok! That will give me time today to go to the mall and pick out an outfit! I should take someone with me... not the girls because they might get distracted with... ugh... dresses. Makes me shiver just thinking about those things. And the boys will get might get distracted with... OOOOO... video games. Hummm... I'll invite Laurence, why not!

(You, Laurence)

Hello! Laurence?

Hey (Y/n)! What's up?

Well I'm going to the mall so I wanted to know if you could come!

Really? You want me to come?

Yeah, it will be fun!

Well, ok sure! I'll walk to your house

OK, the door is open so just come in!

K, see you then! Bye!


Call end

Welp, got that settled! And I need to unlock the door! I quickly run to the door and unlock it. I run up stairs and grab my purse and wallet. Laurence should be here any minute now. I hear the door slam shut and I walk downstairs to see Laurence. "Laurence!" I run up to him and throw myself in his arms. "(Y/n)!" He repeats and spins me around while I'm hugging him. "You ready?" I ask pulling away from the hug. He nods his head and we drive to the mall. On the way we had a pretty intense conversation about what we were going to buy in the mall. It was one of those steady conversations, the non-awkward kind. And I like it. "Well I need to buy one outfit, so that's a must!" I say. "Okay, and then we can get ice-cream!?" She asks in a little kid voice which makes us both laugh. "Yes, widdle Laurence, and you can choose anyyyy flavor you want!" I say in my " Baby-Talk" voice. We both burst out laughing until we finally came to the mall. "We're here!" He says and I get out of the car. We walk in and we head to the woman's section of clothing. I see two of the same tops one (F/c) favorite color and one (s/f/c) second favorite color. They were crop tops that were longer in the back than front. "Laurence! Which one do you think is better?" I say turning around and hold the hangers out in front of me. "Uh, the ____ one (fill it in yourself)." He replies pointing to the shirt. I smile and put the other one away and we pay for it. "Okay let's get ice-cream now!" Laurence says excitedly. I laugh and we get ice cream. Laurence gets strawberry and I get (f/i-c) favorite ice-cream. "Laurence come here, take a picture with me." I say and take my phone out. We take a picture and I save it. I smile and we continue eating our ice-cream and talking. Laurence is one of tho a even guys that always talks to you. Like he never runs out of topics, and it's really awesome! We ended up having so many things in common, it's not even funny. We finished the ice cream and we decided to walk around the mall a bit more before we go home. We found a create-a-grizzly store and we decided to make each other some bears! We split up and I found a polar bear with green eyes. "He would love this!" I whisper to myself. I stuff it and buy it some converse for shoes, and a little green jacket with a hat that has a gaming controller on it. IT'S SO CUTE! "(Y/n)!" I hear Laurence call and I hid the bear behind me and he did the same. "OK we show them on 3.." he said and I nodded. "1...2........3!" He and I quickly show them and we laugh exchanging the bears. Mine was also a polar bear with (f/c) eyes and (f/c) converse. It had a little bow and a jacket. I LOVE IT! I hugged him and we left the mall. We arrived back at my house and we had to say goodbye. "Aw, bye Laurence!" I said hugging him really tight. He did them same "I had fun (Y/n)." He said and we let go. "Yeah me too, let's hang out again sometime!" I say and he nods and we hug one last time before he leaves....

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