Ch. 2: Lost

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"Hey, where's Roger?" Said Louis, changing the mood.

"He went out to blow up miners." Mumbled Fred, showing that Louis' effort to change his mood had failed.

"I just can't take this anymore!" Said Fred. He started to shake and lightly hiss.

"Um, Fred..." Said Louis, starting to back up.

"I mean, what's SO important that all mobs HAVE to attack miners?"

"Fred!" Said Louis raising his voice.

"Louis, I'm trying to rant here!" Fred yelled.

"You're gonna blow!"

"What!?" Replied Fred. 

"Fred, you're Going to explode!!!"

But it was too late, Fred had exploded and Louis had gone in with the blast. Suddenly, Fred had found himself in a big open field, it was like he had just woken up from a long nap.

"Ugh," Fred groaned.

"Where am I?"

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