der Wald

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After a visit to the monastery, the group spent some time in the chapel nearby. Maine and Rj shared a pew while the rest scattered around the church. Afterwards, they did a little tour of the area, enjoying the architecture and beautiful German art.

They had lunch at a quiet cafe on their way back to the hotel. Jet lag and exhaustion was still evident on Rj's face so it was no surprise that he spent most of the time sleeping in the van, his head on Maine's shoulder, as they journeyed back to their hotel.

Once in their rooms, Maine and Rj decided to take a nap. It was cold and a bit gloomy outside so cuddling was in order.

A few hours later, while lounging at the hotel veranda, Maine immediately stood up and looked at Rj. He thought she was just going to the restroom.

"....Let's go?" she extended her hand.

"...huh?...saan?" he looked up, quizzically.

"Let's walk around...parang may konting gubat dun e..." she pointed to some trees not far from their hotel.

"Ahh...sige...." Rj stood up and together, they went to their room to prepare.

Mookie and PongPong were playing in the playroom that was in the hallway to the rooms. Mookie saw Maine and immediately bolted to the door to meet her.

"Tita Maine! Tita Maine!"

"Yes Mooks?"

"Where are you going? Can we make sama?" the little girl asked which made PongPong look up from his play.

Maine looked at Rj who nodded. "We're going for a you want to come along?"

"Walk?...uhmm..okay....Pong! Let's go!" and the kids bolted out of the playroom to their room to get their jackets.

In the end, most of the adults joined Maine and Rj for their little adventure in the woods.

Walking hand in hand, a lttle distance from the group, little Mookie suddenly broke her silence.

"Tita you love Tito he your husband?"

Maine stopped for bit and looked down at the little girl.

"Yes" she smiled. "We got married in Italy..."

"Italy? Diba Daddy went there to shoot a movie?"

"Yes....your Daddy was our director....he's also our Ninong...."

"Like Ninong Je...."

" your Ninong Je..."

"Why does he have so many names?"

Maine chuckled and invited the little girl to sit on the rocks that were nearby.

"His real name is Richard and his nickname is Rj....that's what everyone calls him...."


"Uhmm...everyone who is not in showbusiness...."

Mookie looked at Maine, confused.

"It's like this....your nickname is Mookie, right?"

Mookie nodded.

"But that's not your real name..."

"'s Michelle...Lolo gave me my nickname...."

"'s the same with Alden....that's not his real's his screen showbusiness, a lot of people don't use their real names...."

"But he still has many names...."

"Yes, he does....Richard, Rj, Alden, Tisoy...."

"How about you?"


Mookie nodded.

"My real name is Nicomaine....people call me Maine....or Meng or Menggay....I don't have a showbiz name really...."


"Like PongPong is the nickname of Michael Paul, my brother....he could not say 'Paul' and would always say "Pong" so everyone started calling him that..."

"That's right...many people can be called by different makes their relationship more special...."

"I have a secret...." Mookie said, changing the subject.


"Daddy and Mommy call each other Babe when we're in public....but at home Mommy calls Daddy, "Ba"...I think it means, Taba!" Mookie cupped her hands on her mouth, her eyes twinkling.

Maine giggled. "Well....Tito Rj also has" Maine put her hand on Mookie's waist and squeezed the little girl's belly.

"Really?" Mookie's eyes widened.

"Yes...but you have to keep it a secret....he doesn't like it when other people squeeze his taba...."

"OK!....what do you call Tito Rj?"

"Uhmm...we call each other Mahal...."

"Mahal?....ahh Love!"

"Yes! Because we love each other...."

"Even with his taba?"

"Yes....his taba and all....I love him very much."

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