Guude And the B-Team

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Guude is a the person who created Mindcrack as we all know. And one day after V.Beef's spawn a white cloud started shapeing.

Guude's POV

What a wonder I thought is it a new spawn? Then legs came out of the cloud and they were blue with white on them. Then a face and the persons name tag read Bdouble0100. A new member already I mean etho,doc, and I have lived here without a spawn form about 20 years.Right then a new cloud appeared and a person stepped out the name tag read GennyB.Two in a row wow! 3 new members in the span of 2 days.

B-Team POV

A new place filled with wonders we thought.A person wearing green shirt and blue jeans was there waiting for us.His name tag read Guude. The place looked like a small village but had many wonderful looking buildings with redstone laying around. All of a sudden it started getting nighttime and guude said "Come over here to this house I'll make you two a beds". And we walked in this house made with stone it looked amazing.Then he typed in chat Etho,Doc,And beef can you sleep? They all answered yes so we slept. When we woke up Guude told me that we were going to split up so we can find our talents.

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