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@shy_girl101 Testimony

So I grew up in a christan home, with my mom,dad, and two sisters.  We went to church every Sunday ( unless we were sick )  but as a child I never really paid attention to what was taught in Sunday school.  I always just agreed to what they told me and never new the true meaning of what was said.  At the age of six I excepted jesus into my heart.  At the time though I don't think I actually meant it or understood what I was doing.  for me, back then, going to church was like a chore.  I never really wanted to go.  But as I grew up I started to make sense of the messages being taught in church.  Then one day in church our pastor invited anyone Who felt like they have strayed from their walk with God to come and pray.  I remember always being to scared to go up and always saying to myself "I have already excepted jesus into my heart, I don't need to go up there." but i knew deep down that I had strayed to far away from God. So feeling God calling to me, I went up and prayed, I asked for forgiveness and thanked God for sending his son down to die for our sins and on September 22nd, 2013  this fall, I excepted jesus Christ back into my heart.   

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