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[1] meetings

NOBODY spied in broad daylight except for him. The camp had emptied by the big house that fine june morning. He crept into the shadows of the Hypnos cabin when the campsite was deserted. His eyelids immediately began to slouch, a drowsy sensation plagued over him. The sight of an empty bunk warmed his stomach, as if in a trance he floated to it on the verge of collapse. But the girl that inhabited the bed above, slapped him out of his abstraction. Her head was arched inwards. Her nose almost touching her snaked knees. He softly hooked her arm in the clutches of his curled fingers- studying it carefully. Around her wrist, a golden bracelet was clasped. He ran his finger across the tiny detailing till he came across the silver serpent that ringed around the bracelet rod. It carried a metallic shade, which deeply contrasted with the gold. But that wasn't what he was searching for. He had overheard Chiron discussing a mark with the son of poseidon, that's what he needed to confirm.


        "Sleeping Beauty, a hundred years are over! Awaken"

        AURORA had never been cursed by an evil fairy with horns nor was she a perfect gradient of color that illuminated the night sky

        Aurora was nothing her name said she was. She was not a beauty that chaperoned smiles on the faces of strangers when they laid eyes on her nor did tourists snap a gazillion pictures of her- wrestling for the best view. And much to her displeasure, there was no prince that would slay a dragon for her nor did she sleep pretty.

        Aurora was not a princess nor was she a scientific phenomena.

        She was a freak, who merely passed off as a normal human due to her hatred towards geometry.

        At the age of 6, she had been in a fatal car accident. Her first foster father had been admitted into the hospital for weeks and needed knee surgery, while she pranced home without one scratch. At the age of 8, her whole class had nonchalantly dozed off in the midst of her language arts presentation and wouldn't wake up. At the age of 10, the school had called her home, reporting that she'd been absent that day, when she had clearly attended every single lecture and even turned in her science homework. At the age of 15, she had wished a loud, hoping that Michelle Turner's glasses would snap in half during gym class and to her surprise, that was exactly what had happened.

        Calling Aurora Black a freak would be an understatement. But calling her sleeping beauty would enrage her.

        "I don't appreciate that name, whoever you might be."

        "Fine. Awaken, weird sciency thing."

        She should've mentioned that she didn't admire being called weird sciency thing either. But Aurora wasn't going to admit too much, or portray too many emotions. The place was foreign and giving various reactions could reveal weaknesses. At least that's what her survival instincts told her. On the other hand, one glance around the room made a toasty sensation crawl up her stomach- it reminded her partially of home, although she couldn't quite point out why.

        The room was snug, the atmosphere washed away her active senses and she was overcome with a hazy feeling. That was until she laid eyes on the boy. He stood out like a sore thumb. Every time she would review him, her eyes would pound with small pulses of pain. Aurora would lose the plague of sleep that had advanced onto her. The culprit was the short sleeved top, he wore. His fluorescent orange shirt was loud in the tranquilly dull atmosphere. It conflicted with the shades of the night.

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