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"Deaton!" Scott yelled as they burst through the veterinarian's office. Lydia, Stiles, Kira and Allison had all gone to the hospital whilst the remaining members of the pack taken Lacey to Deaton's with the exception of Derek and Malia who had decided to stay back and look around for the people who had taken Lydia. "Deaton!"

Isaac lowered Lacey onto the metal trolley and rested the back of his hand against her forehead, frowning at how warm she was. Deaton entered the office, instantly frowning as his eyes landed on the passed out girl, remembering how she had pinned him against the wall just a few hours earlier. "What happened?" He asked.

Liam watched from afar, studying Deaton's hesitant movements towards the girl, with narrowed eyes. "She- uh.. we were getting Lydia away from these guys and Malia was getting attacked and uh.." Scott rambled. He was lost - he couldn't lose anyone else.

"Someone stabbed her with some gooey green liquid thing." Isaac finished for Scott, not missing the thankful look Scott shot him.

"Was this.. substance, slimy or sticky?" Alan asked as he finally shot into action, pulling a pair of white latex gloves over his hands. He reached over to his counter, fumbling around with a few thing before turning back to the girl, a huge scalpel in one hand, an equally large syringe in the other.

"Uhm.." Isaac muttered, trying to think if he had seen the green liquid vividly. Malia really should have been here.

"It was.. kind of," Scott spoke up. "I didn't see much but when I pulled the girl who had stbabed her away and the knife came out like a line of goo was there until I pulled her too far away and it sorta.. snapped." Scott informed Deaton who nodded.

The three boys stood in silence, watching over their elder as he reached to Lacey's face. Deaton moved her head around from side to side, examining her neck, before tilting her head up by her jaw. He pressed against the skin behind her ear before stepping away.

"Any idea what's happening?" Liam asked, speaking up for the first time.

Deaton stared at him for a split second, as if only noticing that Liam was there, before turning his attention back to the girl. "I have a few ideas but I don't want to say until I am certain." Deaton murmured, dragging his index finger across Lacey's jaw, pressing down in specific places to test her reaction.

She made a slight face as he pressed in against the left side of her jaw where it ends and he smiled triumphantly. "Okay.." He muttered more to himself than the boys before pulling Lacey's shirt up, but keeping it far enough down so it didn't reveal anything to the boys.

They all stared down at the jagged scar across Lacey's lower stomach, a green goo oozing out of it which none of them had noticed before. Deaton raised his hand to press a finger against the cut but as soon as the tip of his finger brushed against the cut Lacey shot up, eyes glowing purple as she roared, reaching out for Deaton's wrist and encircling her hand around it, digging her claws in.

Deaton attempted to keep a calm facade but gasped out in pain when she growled, showing her elongated fangs to him, and dug her claws further in. 

"Hey, Lace," Lacey's head shot in Liam's direction as he spoke softly, "Hey.." He took a few steps towards her, reaching out for her. He paused when he noticed her glaring at his hand. "Let him go, yeah?" Liam asked softly as if he would scare her into hurting Deaton.

Lacey turned back and looked at Deaton and then to her hand gripping his wrist. She frowned and let him go, her eyes turning back to their normal dark brown. "Sorry.." She muttered, trying to remember why she had hurt him in the first place.

"Are you alright?" Isaac asked, taking a step towards Lacey.

Scott had moved beside Deaton and was helping him wrap his bleeding wrist into a white bandage. "Uhh... yeah, yeah.." She shook her head slightly, reaching up to hold her head which was aching. "Yeah, Why wouldn't I be?" She asked, confusion dancing in her tone.

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