Chemical Trails .II.

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Seventeen year old Jack was lying on his back, looking up into the pale blue sky that God had given him today. His back was against the dry grass as his eyes scanned the sky in search of clouds, patiently waiting for Alex's arrival.

He had one earbud in, playing Jack's Mannequin on a low volume. His head was resting atop his backpack full of trash and missing papers and overdue library books. (He might even have the neighbors missing cat in there, who knows?)

Jack heard soft footsteps nearby in the grass and closed his eyes, knowing exactly who was there.

"I know your not asleep," Alex said from above Jack, an evident smirk on his face.

"You didn't know that." Jack protested, keeping his eyes closed while Alex took a seat on the grass next to Jack.

"I saw you close your eyes, idiot."

Jack laughed a bit, running his long fingers through his dark hair. "Guess I'm too slow."

Alex set his backpack up near Jack's and mimicked his actions; his head resting on the backpack and back on the grassy ground.

"What are you listening to today?" Alex said, picking up the other unused earbud and putting it into his own ear.

"Jack's Mannequin." Jack said lightly.

"Oh come on. You only like them because your name is in their band title." Alex laughed while the music played quietly in his ears.

"I do not!" Jack said stubbornly, appalled that Alex would even say such a thing, goddamn him.

"Do too!" Alex retorted childishly, plucking a handful of grass and throwing it onto Jack's face.

"Asshole." Jack said, brushing the grass off from his face.

"Whatever." Alex said, crossing his arms. "Did Mr. Smith give you a hard time about that English paper that you totally failed?"

"Fuck you, yes he did." Jack glared at the boy beside him. "Not everyone can ace their papers like you."

"Well maybe I'm just gifted." Alex said jokingly with a smile plastered on his face.

"Yea right," Jack scoffed. "What's put you in such the mood today?"

Alex turned his face away from Jack to hide the unstoppable blush crawling onto his cheeks.

"Oh god," Jack said, trying to look at Alex. In that moment, Alex knew he was doomed.

"Your blushing." Jack stated, trying to just look at Alex to see if he was right, but Alex kept covering his face.

"No! Stop!" Alex laughed, trying his best to cover his face with his hands while Jack tried to uncover Alex's blushing face, oh god he's never going to live this one down.

Through odd noises of protest and thirty seconds of tangled hands later, Jack managed to uncover Alex's hidden face by pinning his wrists behind his back.

"So you are blushing! God, when did you start growing a pussy?" Jack laughed as Alex's face became even redder.

"Fuck you Jack, I have reasons." Alex crossed his arms.

"Spill." Jack said, looking at Alex beside him who's blush had already faded.

"Well," Alex began, "Lisa and I took a big step in our relationship last night."

Jack sat there with a very strange expression while his heart broke. "You did... it?" He asked cautiously.

"Yea. It." Alex replied, again with a faint blush.

Jack stumbled on his words, not sure what to say to the boy.

"You don't look happy." Alex said, his brows scrunched together in thought. "I thought you would be."

"No, I am. I just need to know if we're on the same page." Jack said steadily.

Alex gave him a knowing look, and Jack immediately understood. They had sex. They fucked. They made 'love.'

"Oh," Jack said in realization.

Jack tried his absolute best to fake happiness, "Wow, that's incredible! That's a huge step."

"Isn't it? I'm so excited." Alex said, believing Jack's fake smile. "It was amazing."

Jack listened to Alex go on about how excited he was. Of course, Jack always loved listening to Alex talk about things he's passionate about. It's just that Jack was a bit jealous how Alex was talking about how he was passionate with Lisa.

Jack was starting to get tired of hearing all about how 'Lisa's eyes sparkle like this,' and 'Lisa's personality is so cute,' and 'Lisa is so beautiful,' and 'I'm going to kill Lisa and marry Jack instead.'

Okay, maybe Alex didn't say the last one. But at this point, Jack was kind of hoping for that. He wanted Alex to love Jack the way Alex loved Lisa. But of course, life hated Jack, and Alex had to go and love Lisa.

Jack listened to Alex talk about Lisa for the next fifteen minutes, until the three dreaded words were heard.

"Jack, I think..." Alex said carefully. "I love her."

Jack's face shot up, looking Alex straight in the eye. God, could this day get any worse?

"Are you sure?" Jack asked. "Is there like, any one else you love instead?"

Alex chuckled at the Jack's curiosity, "Of course not! Who else would I love besides Lisa?"

In that moment, Jack was 100% sure that his heart broke. Sometimes, all he wants to do is lean in and just... kiss him.

And if he kissed him, Alex's fingers would tangle in Jack's hair and pull, just the way Jack loved it. And their lips would clash together roughly but still full of passion, and Jack would carefully slide Alex's shirt off. Jack would admire Alex's perfect chest, and Alex would -

"Jack, are you even listening?" Alex said, crossing his arms and blatantly ruining Jack's daydream.

"Yea, sorry." Jack said while shaking his head, hoping and praying that his almost visible boner wasn't noticeable.

"What's been up with you lately?" Alex said like a worried mother. "You zone out like, all the time."

"Nothing." Jack assured.

Alex's eyes opened widely. "Wait..."

Jack's heart stopped because, oh shit, did Alex figure out that Jack likes him?

"You did it with Holly, didn't you?" Alex crossed his arms defiantly.

Jack let out a breath, "Yes, that's exactly it." He lied.

"I knew it!" Alex smiled, hugging Jack tightly. Jack melted into his touch and tried not to seem creepy, but still savoring the touch.

"Your lucky, Holly is quite the catch. Do you think she's a keeper?" Alex said, sitting back into his spot on the grass.

"Yea, she's beautiful. She might be." Jack lied. Well, he didn't exactly lie, because Holly was a very pretty girl, but he knew she wasn't a keeper. He just wishes he was dating Alex instead.

"Now we all have perfect relationships." Alex smiled while the sunset began to start, just like it did every night at their spot.

Jack let out a small laugh because yea, falling head over heels for your best friend while they were both dating girls that they claim to 'love' was totally. Fucking. Perfect.

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