•chapter 1•

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the lowercases in the title are intended, so please don't correct me.
Readers POV
I sat on a busted air mattress, and held out my cardboard sign. "Need food. On streets since birth." It read, and a old woman kindly dropped a couple of dollars in my old can. I nodded at her and she smiled back. I got up and walked into a Starbucks, and asked for a water. I noticed a blonde man with large eyebrows sitting down, accompanied by a short boy with black hair. They stared, but I ignored. As I was leaving, the blonde stopped me. He asked for directions, and I told him where to go. He slipped a note into my old backpack without me noticing. He left with the boy and I went back to my mattress. The streets? Coldest place on Earth. I cried myself to sleep yet again, until the tears were gone.
Levi's POV
I woke up and sighed, turning off my alarm. "Another shitty day at a shitty school, I suppose.." I said, and got dressed. My adoptive father, Erwin, sat in the kitchen reading the newspaper. "Good morning, Levi." He said, and I nodded. I sat outside in the car, and I noticed a girl coming to our house. Her clothes were tattered, but she looked familiar. She came out thirty minutes later looking clean, and she had on a hoodie and some jeans. Erwin stepped into the car and drove me to school. "Who was that?" I asked, crossing my arms. "A girl." He said, and walked to his office. I rolled my eyes and walked to class. I noticed the same girl, sitting in a desk to the back. She glanced at me quickly before looking back down at a book. I heard my friends laughing and chatting before they entered the room, and they came over to me. "Yo, what's up Levi!" "Hey big bro!" Farlan and Isabel came over, and I nodded. Isabel looked at the new girl and scoffed. "Ha, look at her! She looks so trashy!" She giggled, and Farlan agreed. "Levi, what do you think? She's trashy right!" They asked, and I nodded. "Tch.. I don't really care." The class walked in along with the teacher. Today's gonna be rough for them.
Readers POV
I walked to my locker, and heard a slam nearby. A blonde boy with a bowl cut and was getting slammed up against a locker, by a boy with light brown hair and a girl with strawberry pigtails. exhibit A

"Pay up, coconut!" The girl said, laughing

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"Pay up, coconut!" The girl said, laughing. "Yeah! We wanna go eat at The Underground today!" no pun intended XD "I-I don't have any money today!" The blonde said, and the other boy laughed. "Stop lying! That book you carry around is worth at least a hundred bucks!" The girl giggled, and tried to take it. "Your just beating me up because you have no knowledge, and you can't support yourselves! You know damn well that I'm right!" The blonde said, and the other boy got ready to punch. "Hey! Leave Armin alone!" I heard a boy scream. I turned to see a brunette boy with turquoise eyes, followed by a girl with midnight black hair and a scarf draped around her neck. The bullies turned and went pale. "Shit! It's Mikasa! Run!" They said, and ran. Mikasa and the boy went over to Armin to help him. "Thanks, Mikasa. Thanks, Eren." He said, and Mikasa nodded. "They were so scared of me! Just watch! I'll be better than Levi one day!" Eren said, and Armin shook his head. "They were scared of Mikasa, but close enough." I sighed and walked out of school. I walked all the way to my spot on the street, which wasn't horrible. I usually pushed it into an alley and block myself with boxes at night. Oh well. Life is still horrible.
do u guys like lol hope so

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