Bye Mark

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•Mark's P.O.V.•

The apology was a true apology. I wasn't kidding at all. I just got so jealous of Jacob having Julia as a girlfriend, that I got carried away and hurt them. And I slapped her! That was not okay. I have no idea what happened there. But, they forgive me - hopefully. I know what I did was wrong, and I completely regret it.

"Hey, are you okay?" Julia sits beside me. She scoops a spoonful of cereal and eats it, concern in her eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I answer.

"I'm sorry Julia. I'm so sorry. What I did was horrible, and I feel so stupid for doing it. I know I already said I was sorry, but I don't think there's enough times I could say sorry for doing what I did. I feel so bad," I clench my fists and hold back tears. "I'm. So. Stupid."

Julia wraps her arms around me, "Hey, It's okay. I forgive you. Both Jacob and I forgive you. It's alright."

I grin, "Okay. Thanks Jules." She stiffens, letting go of me. Did I do something wrong? Does she not like the nickname "Jules"?

"Mark, please don't call me that. Don't ask why, just don't call me that. I don't like being called that anymore," she chokes out. Is she okay?

"S-sorry Julia. I didn't know." I scratch the back of my neck.

She stands up, "It's fine. But, I'm going upstairs. I'll be back in a second." She walks towards the stairs and up to Jacob's room. She's probably going to wake him up.

A couple minutes later I hear a scream and laughing coming from upstairs. That's probably Jacob and Julia. Suddenly there's stomping like someone's running, and Julia comes downstairs trying to get away from Jacob. She runs into the kitchen and disappears behind the counter. Jacob follows closely behind.

I remain in my seat the whole time, not wanting to disturb all the fun they're having. Sitting there made me realize that I was hungry. So, I get up and go into the kitchen - right where the two lovebirds are may I add - and make myself a bowl of cereal.

Before I sit down I hear Julia gasp, "Oh my gosh! I have school! I have to go! I'm sorry guys, see you later!" She runs out of the kitchen then runs back, "Love you." Julia kisses Jacob on the cheek and runs off again. Before heading out the door she screams, "Bye Mark!" I smile.

"Hey Mark? I just remembered that I'm supposed to go meet Julia's mom. We're planning something for Julia. I'll be back in about an hour. If you want to come you can, so do you?" Jacob raises his eyebrows.

I shake my head, "No, it's fine. I'll just stay here until my mom comes by to pick me up. Bye Jacob." I wave at him.

He grins, "Bye Mark." He leaves the kitchen and I hear the door shut behind him. Well, he's gone also. Since his mom isn't here I'm all by myself. How goodie.

Note the sarcasm.

Once I was finished with the cereal, I put the bowl in the sink and started upstairs for Jacob's room. I'm not going to snoop around, all I'm doing is laying in his bed.

I shut the door behind me and drag myself to the bed. Once sitting, I take a long look at his room. Running my eyes over everything, the one thing that stands out is the bright red colored heart on his dresser. I get up to look at it, and I figure out it's a picture. But not just any picture, a piece of paper or a note of some sort.

I pick it up and study it carefully.

Julia's number...
This is coming from the girl that told you not to worry about the haters.
Julia W.
Trust me I'm not crazy, if you find this you have the right to throw it away. Just saying.

Wow, so he framed the note that Julia gave him at a meet and greet? Or at least I think it was a meet and greet. I'm not exactly sure. But, wow.

So, this is the piece of paper that brought them together? That's crazy. They would have never became friends if it weren't for that note. This is just - crazy.


•Julia's P.O.V.•

I'm so late.

I'm so, so late.

Why did I spend the night at Jacob's? That was not a good idea! I just now got out the door of my own house and I'm running down the sidewalk as fast as possible. It takes about five minutes to run to school from my house. To run. I can't really run for a strait five minutes, and that's why I didn't join cross country or track. Well, I can't really run in general.

Sooner or later I'm in front of the school and ready to walk in. Let me note that I'm at least forty-five minutes late. That's not okay. And I also look like a mess from running and throwing my outfit together in under three minutes. Yeah, not good.

Walking through the doors, I can see everyone rushing to get to their second period. Which I should be doing also, but no - I had to spend the night at Jacob's.

I go up the stairs to my second period class and sit in my seat. I look around for Daniel because he usually sits across the room instead of beside me anymore. Also, he's probably going to make fun of me because of the other day. I could see him doing that, but at the same time not doing that. It's weird.

Class starts like normal and I'm completely zoning out like normal. But, it's harder to zone out this time because I keep hearing giggling coming from behind me. Not this again. I had to deal with this yesterday, and let me tell you: I hated it.

I try to ignore it but it just keeps coming. The giggling turns into little snorts. Then the little snorts turn into laughing. But it stopped when the teacher spoke.

"Is there something funny girls? I would love to hear it, so would the class." Oh no, please don't answer her.

"Sorry Miss. We won't do it again." One of them said. I mentally sighed in relief.

"Thank you. Now let's continue." She goes on about the lesson again, no giggling in the background.


I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry!! I haven't updated in forever!!! I've been so darn busy! I feel so bad because of this!! Aahhhhhh!!

Well, after a couple deep breathes, how did you like the chapter? Mark finally figured out how they met and kept a relationship. As in "they" I mean Jacob and Julia by the way.

I hope I didn't end this too short, but I hope you liked the chapter. Give it a star why don't ya! Comment if you have any...! And I'll see you guys in the next chapter!! Bu-bye!!

The Piece of Paper: Jacob Sartorius | Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now