Broken: Part 1

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     You and Legolas sat on the highest branch in a tree in Mirkwood.  It was just you two, and you were a very serious couple.  You had met during the Fellowship of the Ring. You were very "in love".  "Look at how beautiful the stars are, melleth nin. "  You say.  "They are."  He says.  He shifts around on the branch, to be closer to you.  He lifts his arm up off the branch and wraps it around your shoulders.  "I love you."  He says.  He takes his arm off from around your shoulder and turns his body sideways on the branch.  He leans in to kiss you, and removes his hands off the branch.  One hand he placed around your form, the other he places on your cheek.  He pulls you in, but he slips, and falls off the branch!  He falls and falls, and he finally hit the ground and screams.  "Oh Valar."  You mumble.  You climb out of the tree and fall to Legolas' side. 

Legolas POV

Pain shot through my arm as I hit the ground.  I couldn't feel my arm, or anything else for that matter.  I screamed at the top of my lungs.  My bones hurt, and all of me felt broken.

General POV

"Legolas?"  You scream.  "Are you ok?"  You are crying now.   "No.  Everything feels broken.  But my arm, I can't move it."  He says.  "We have to find some way to get you back to the palace.  You need to see a healer.  This is fatal.  I would leave you here and go and fetch someone, but I don't want to leave you.  And we can't stay here forever either.   I am not capable of healing you."  You say.  "(Y/N).  Please, I will be fine for a few hours.  Go and get help."  He says weakly.
You are worried, as he is sounding weaker and weaker with every word.  "No.  You're not going to be ok.  If I leave you here, Orcs could find you, or you could pass out."  You say.  "(Y/N).  Trust me, I'll be fine.  I need a healer.  Please, as fast as you can, run, and get help."  He says.  You start to sob.  "I don't wanna leave you Legolas!"  Tears are coming in full force now.  He smiles at you, as if to say "I love you".  "Ok.  I will go and get help." You say.  You stand up and start running through the forest.  After about a half an hour, you get back to the palace.  You dash up to Thranduil, who is sitting on his mighty throne.  "My lord."  You say as you bow.  "Legolas is hurt.  He fell out of one of the highest tress in Mirkwood.  I think this injury is very fatal."   You say.  Thranduil rises form his throne, calls out an order in Elvish, and immediately guards with horses appear.  "Lead the way, my lady."  He says.  You nod, and mount one of the horses.  You lead Thranduil to Legolas. 

     When you return, Legolas is right where you left him.  You jump off the horse and fall to his side.  "I'm back now, and I've brought your Ada."  You say.  "Thank you."  He says, weaker than ever.  "Ion nin."  Thranduil says, as he sits next to you, next to Legolas.  He picks him up, and sits him on your horse.  You mount behind him.  You ride as fast as you can back to the palace.  You bring Legolas to the healer.  He passes out as soon as he hits the cot.  The healer says a couple spells.  "He's broken his back."  The healer says.  "Lord help us."  You say under your breath.  "But, with my spells, a few weeks of rest, and his elven healing powers, he will be good as new.  "Can I stay with him while he's recovering?"  You ask the healer.  "I suppose that will be fine.  We are going to move him into his own bedroom in a couple of hours, if he doesn't wake up soon."  The healer says.  "Do you think he'll ever wake up?"  You ask, with a tear in your eye.  "He will.  Give him time, but he will."  The healer says.  "I take my leave now.  Call me in if he awakens, or if you need anything."  The healer says as she walks out.  "Ok.  Thanks."  You say.  As soon as the healer is gone, you dash over to Legolas' bedside.  You sit down next to him on the side of the bed.  You stroke his cheek softly.  "Legolas."  You whisper softly. "Please wake up.  I love you."  You fall onto his chest and cry. 

     About an hour later, Thranduil comes in.  "My son."  He says.  A tear falls.  "Is he going to be ok?"  He inquires.  "They think so.  He's been asleep for an hour.  I'm really worried about him."  You say.  "He's going to be ok.  I just know it. " He says.  He now pulls you into a big, fatherly hug. 

    Later that day, the healer comes back in, and puts Legolas onto a stretcher.  You help her bring him into his own room, because you don't expect him to wake up anytime soon.  You don't want to leave him, so you sleep on the couch in his room.

     The next morning, Thranduil comes in to wake you.  He says that breakfast will be brought in to you.  " How is my son?"  He asks.  "He's been in a coma since yesterday afternoon."  You say.  Thranduil starts to cry.  He turns the other cheek and leaves.  You understand that this is hard for him to take, first he lost his wife, and now he might loose his son. 

To be continued....


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