Chapter 1: Valentines Day

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A/N ~ Hi this is my first story I hope you enjoy it!  also pretend harry didn't die at the church and he survived some how.

(photo above is your outfit)

bit of extra info:  

 I've always been Valentine's favourites he kept me close at all times. He adopted me when I was younger, around age 10. He and my trainer Colette (female) made me who I am. I don't have many friends, my fathers a murderous billionaire after all.  

Chapter 1

(y/n pov)

  I'm running down the hallway, my  adoptive father Valentine has just been murdered by some kingsman agent and now? I'm being chased for my life! I felt like doing the innocent act until I realised he wouldn't have mercy. The look of pure disgrace on his face said enough about his view on me.

   I stopped running and turned around. " Now now pretty boy I'm tired and fed up of running could we cut the chase? just let me kill you okay?" I said cocky. "now now pretty girl would that be fair?" he smirked.  to hell with the talking! I thought I charged at him kicking him in the gut with all my strength.

 He went flying across the room at what seemed like 40 miles an hour. He got up and soon we were fighting like I did in training, one on one with no weapons. Well that was the case until he used his, what I can only presume was, a cygnet ring to electrify me or something because the next thing I knew it all went black and all I heard was him say " night night princess see you in the morning". I'm not one to panic, in fact I was trained not to but the thought of being captured by the man who had just killed my  only family was making me worried. I soon fell asleep.


      She was asleep and how innocent she looked, so beautiful her pale skin her perfect lips red with the colour of blood. She could be a model "enjoying the view?" merlin asked laughing "in fact I am Merlin, just wait till harry gets to lay his eyes on her!"

   "Eggsy stop staring at that girl come over here baby look at how cute JB is!" said Roxy, we finally got together as I came back she was okay. I regret it now iv seen this magnificent girl she looks twenty, the same as me. I go join Roxy purely because she wont stop nagging unless I do. she seemed so nice at first, before we got together now she is so annoying constantly wanting us to be together.

(le time skip brought to you   by JB the pug!)

(Y/N POV) 

 I woke up in what I can only presume was a prison cell. GREAT! nothing but porridge from here on out. I look around the rooms fairly decent the lightings a bit strong and the beds un comfy but at least they have a book shelf. I love reading, mainly twitter, but a good book never was a regret to me. I decide as they have to come in and question me at some point that I should curl up and read. I've already spotted 4/5 cameras in the room and decided they must mean business. I chose Shakespeare, he's a good writer and maybe I could learn some English skills whilst I'm at it. I curl up under the blanket with the play book and settle down. soon enough I fall asleep again, and I find myself reliving my adoptive fathers death.


  I wish Eggsy would stop bringing back girls. This is a serious place of work not one to mess around in we all have secret's here, big ones. I  too have many like my daughter who may as well be dead or is dead. It was a cold evening and I had just put y/n to bed she was ten at the time, and was walking downstairs when I heard the door close. I grabbed my umbrella and there was valentine. we began fighting and he knocked me out all I remember was hearing y/ns cries as he dragged her away and shot her with an amnesia dart.  Only Merlin, my most trusted friend knew of y/n ad we hadn't stopped looking for her or given up hope. "Harry its Merlin I need to speak with you" just in time as always Merlin, to catch me when I'm down." I'm really not in the mood to talk right now Merlin maybe in the morning?" there's a pause "Harry this cant wait she may be gone by then" I pause this time. She? the girl Eggsy bought back? "come in Merlin!" I shout slightly irritated. He scurry's in and sits down he has 2 folders in his arms that I recognise one is y/ns missing report file and the others is valentine's adopted daughter. Unusual for Merlin to use files. "Sir the girl in that Eggsy bought back is valentine's daughter and she... well she... look for your self Harry" he passes me the files. They both have a picture of little y/n on. wait? I flick through the files.... they are practically the same. That means my daughter is also valentine's daughter....... SHIT!

What will harry do when he sees you? what will you do? what's going to happen with you and Eggsy and Roxy and Eggsy? What are the other secrets Harry was talking about?


THANKYOU FOR READING THE FIRST CHAPTER!!! I love Roxy's character but this is just to add drama later so any Roxy fans I'm sorry!!

I hope you enjoy the story!



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