Chapter 3: lets see what you got

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A/N your outfit is the picture above btw

      (Y/N POV)

 Merlin and Harry were walking me into Harrys office, well sneaking me in there any way. I have finally agreed to change my outfit to something less threatening to make seem more like I should be here.

We finally got into the office and I could relax a bit "What if someone comes in?" asks merlin "then she can go hide in the closet don't worry about it, so y/n honey tell me all about you're training the birthdays what you like and don't like." wow he is interested and here I thought my real dad must hate me.  "Well I was trained by Colette Faith who  assume you've heard off, I never really celebrated my birthdays al I did was train, never attended school much and I suffer from chronic nightmares that lead to sleep anxiety and I had therapy about it for a while then stopped I still suffer from minor sleep anxiety but not as much" I say ending with a smile whilst the two men stared at me, not shocked just less comfortable. "Oh so you did a lot of training then show us some of your moves" said merlin  "sure um dad?" he looked up at me and smiled "now go easy on your old man".

 I gave him a quick kick to the gut and he fell to the floor threw a punch to his head he grabbed my arm and pinned me to the floor, "still have a little learning do" "not exactly old man" i gave him a knee to the crotch and he jumped off me with a yelp of pain *KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK*


my daughter is amazing at this I'm so proud of her *KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* oh shoot that's Eggsy he supposed to give me report on what happened at V-Day. "y/n get in the closet now" she ran over and hid, whilst I returned to my desk and gave Merlin a nod when ready I shouted "Come in Eggsy!" before he came in Merlin said something that made me laugh with nervousness "Imagine if Eggsy fell in love with your daughter"


 I could here laughter as I approached Harrys door. "Alright Merlin? Harry? you all seem happy to see me guessing you met the smoking the girl I bought back" I snigger but to my surprise he grew angry "NEVER SAY THAT AGAIN EGGSY! OKAY?" I'm shocked why does he care so much not like they're all lovey dovey he's like triple her age  "Alright alright it was a joke okay?" says Merlin covering for me "yeah sorry Harry guess that wasn't very gentlemanly of me was it?.... I need to go see what my next mission will be ill um.... bye"   out of the corner of my eye I swear I see the girl I bought back  but it cant be can it?  why would Harry have her in his office?


 I loved how Harry was protective of me unlike valantine it made me feel weird at first. Wait Eggsy? what sort of a name is that I snigger I don't think he noticed me. "I need to go see  what my next mission will be um ill um.....bye" as turns to go we lock eyes for a mille second. "Thank god he left! its so cramped in ..." I didn't get to finish, Eggsy burst in "I KNEW SHE WAS IN HERE! HARRY WHO IS SHE!" ohhhhhhhh shit "Merlin can you take me back to my room?" Merlin nodded "No, you should be here introduce yourself" then he whispers to me "full name please" I walk up to him "Hi my name is Y/n Hart nice to meet you pretty boi"  I hear Merlin snigger "h-h-h-ha-hart?" its all he can say it so adorable, wait no not adorable what am I thinking? "Eggsy? are you okay your going pale" I say holding back the laughter "HART!?!?!?!?!?" I shove my hand over his mouth "hart, yes y/n hart like Harry Hart okay? HART we know" I remove my hand and he faints!?!? its so cute, funny not cute. NOT CUTE. "great to meet you too"

A/N  : I want to do another book but of one shots  of you and whoever! give me your name and a short description of what you like and don't  like and eye colour!


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2016 ⏰

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