You Never Really Can Fix a Heart

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Maggie is a simple girl she's got a big heart and open arms for anyone who needs them. Most people see her as a happy girl who has a great life and an enjoyable personality. Maggie on the other hand sees things a little differently. On the outside she was the girl everyone loved..but on the inside her heart was a wreck. She was the girl that got bullied in middle school but never told anyone, the girl who's father was never entirely in the picture, who's mom took care of her...the girl who's smile was only at the surface..and the girl who cried herself to sleep at night fearing she wasn't good enough for the world. Her life suddenly changes however when a boy decides to just waltz in and change her whole perspective. He sees straight through her and knows all of her insecurities right away. He seems like the perfect thing for Maggie at that point but is he?

Chapter 1

The first day of school. Most of the time I'm really excited for the first day of school, but today is different. Today is my first day of high school. I am excited but I really just want a new start. You see I was bullied pretty badly in middle school and I never told anyone. Besides that none of my friends stood up for me so it was pointless, anyways this day just had to be good.

Joette picked me up so we could go together so it wouldn't be so awkward. Plus we had found out the day before that we had first period together.

"Hey! Are you ready to do this?! Are you pumped?! Are you gonna freak out?! Good god Maggie I'm so nervous I can't even calm myself..." Joette said trying to calm herself.

"Jeez chica cool it we'll be fine!" I assured her with a smile.

We walked to class and were bored out of our minds considering it was math. Yea I know math that early in the morning? It shouldn't even exist!

After that class was finally over I headed to the next which was science it wasn't too bad I sat next to my friend Jackie and a few other friends were right behind me. Once that was over it was off to computer apps I walked in not paying much attention to where I was walking when all of a sudden I felt myself crash into something and I fell. I looked up and saw a boy turning to apologize.

"Woah I'm so sorry didn't see you there!" The boy said while picking up my schedule that had fallen.

I was attempting to get up and failing so he helped me.

"Oh it's ok it was my fault I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking" I said adjusting my hair. When I looked up I just stared. Our eyes met and he was just staring too. There was just this weird feeling I got in my stomach I couldn't tell what it was but I just really wanted to get to know him.

He smiled suddenly and I wondered why then I realized my face felt heated and I was probably blushing. He handed me back my schedule while still smiling "I'll see you around" he said and turned to walk to his seat.

Woah. What was that? That feeling I got when he smiled? Huh I'll have to think about that later class was starting.

The rest of the day went pretty quickly and I was glad. I walked home and when I got there I stuffed my face with food and then had my mom sign all the forms and permission slips you always get the first day. Once that was done I went to my room and laid down and began to think about that boy.

I had discovered his name was Job (it sounds like Jobe but it's spelt Job I know it's weird) when the teacher called our names. So interesting I've never had that sort of feeling before. It wasn't what I would call an instant crush, though he was cute he had dark brown eyes, brown hair gelled into a Mohawk very tan skin and he was dressed in a blood on the dance floor T-shirt and skinny jeans with a pair of vans to match, but anyways not a crush was more of an instant need..a need to get to know him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2013 ⏰

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