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A/N: This chapter will have dealings with domestic violence, it is a problem that many couple's face. Both woman and men get abused by partners, if this situation ever arises please seek help, Don't ever let this carry on. Also contains strong language.

The stars dotted in the cloudless midnight sky looked homely to the woman that had been destroyed. Sitting twenty stories up above the teaming lights of the bustling city below, jean clad bruised legs dangled seamlessly over the edge of the roof. Staring bleary eyed into the vast darkness of the sky she could see her ragged breaths leaving her bloody cracked lips in long puffs of condensation, shivering slightly as the numbing breeze blew around her mutilated skin. She was sporting two black eyes, a busted nose, deep purple bruising her jawline, she had fresh cuts, scabs and scars crisscrossing all over her body, her long, smooth, platinum blonde hair was matted as the blood dried into a congealed lump on the back of her head and adorning the fragile frame was torn clothing that did nothing to shield her from the winter's weather.

Tears started to roll down the woman's cheeks as the memories filled her to the brim with hatred and anger. Gritting her teeth her body erupted into violent shakes that wracked her body, a muffled sob fell from her lips as a hand darted up quickly to cover her mouth. How could one human being be so cruel to another?

Earlier that night

Isla and Dan, Isla & Dan, Mr. & Mrs Newmarket, the gifts from their six year anniversary had started to pile up in the corner of the room, kicking off their shoes in the hallway, arms full with more gifts they made their way into the small living room. They only went for dinner with a few close friends and came back like Santa's elves.

The gifts from friends, family and colleagues reached from floor to roof and then some, all beautifully decorated. Isla picked up one she had been eyeing all day, gently sitting on the sofa she started to unwrap the floral paper. It was a beautiful crafted ornate wooden box, intricate patterns laced with flowers. Dan plopped down beside Isla and took a look. "Ohhh that's pretty, what's inside?" Dan asked resting a hand on her thigh. Upon opening the box Isla's eyes widened, it was a pink and blue hand made baby grow. On the front it read 'Baby Newmarket', there was also a pair of new born baby boots and socks. Underneath was a picture frame, the picture was of Isla and Dan at Ella's and Mark's wedding. Tucked in the corner of the box was a little note that read 'For when your love creates another life' - Ella & Mark

Isla's hazel eyes brimmed with tears, this has to be one of the sweetest presents she had ever received. Although Dan sat quietly beside her, rage started to fill his being, clenching his fists, he started to tremble.

"Are you pregnant..?" Dan quietly hissed beside the woman.

"What..?" Isla turned to look at Dan who had his eyes trained on the wall In front of him trying to steady his increasingly erratic breathing.

"I said are you pregnant?" He questioned again, this time louder for her to hear.

"No I'm not, if I was you would be the first to know" Isla spoke softly, not wanting to anger him further.

Dan was known for having a violent temperament, when Dan got angry Isla would go and lock herself in their bedroom until he calmed down, there have been a few incidents where he had hit Isla without meaning too. Usually when he had calmed down he would knock on the bedroom door, apologising for scaring her or forcing her away. However tonight was not like any other night, Dan had been remaining calm all afternoon, he couldn't stand their friends and colleagues for too long. The whole day Dan spent biting his tongue otherwise he would end up saying something, more so out of spite than actually mean it. Upon Isla opening the box and seeing what had been stored in it was the final straw for Dan, how could Isla have not told him she was pregnant, why on earth did she tell that so called friend of hers first. That had done it then, listening to her lie through her teeth to him. Standing up swiftly he snatched up the wooden box from her lap and launched it across the room.

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